Chapter 4

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* the next morning

* Tim sees the message on his phone he was grumpy all day and Lucy knew he was upset about something

Lucy : what's wrong
Tim : what
Lucy : babe you've had a grumpy face on all day what's going on
Tim : my mom and my sister are coming to see me race
Lucy : that's good right
Tim : can I tell you things about my past
Lucy : of course babe
Tim : when I was a teenager my dad wasn't the best he begin drinking every day one day he came home drunk he hit my mom and I was angry I promise myself I'd protect my mom and sister one night he came home I stood in front of my sister he hit me for the first time and it didn't stop till I was nearly dead I was okay but I moved out I moved house that's when I knew I was save he couldn't get to me but now my mom and sister are coming I can't feel save what if he's coming
Lucy : babe I'm sorry that happened to you I'm your girlfriend I'll do anything to protect you
Tim : boyfriend
Lucy : well if you want to be
Tim : yes I want to * kisses her : I'm got to change into my red bull shirt

* he changes inti his shirt and puts some jeans on they head out of the hotel the driver drives him and Lucy to the race track

* they arrive

* Tim and Lucy walk in with them holding hands everyone sees them

* Lucy walks with Tim to the press drivers conference

* Lucy stands in the corner with Angela

Man : this question is more Tim there's been some rumours about you and Lucy is it true or not
Tim : yea me and Lucy are together we're dating not that it's any one's business she's the best person I've ever meet
Man : okay thanks Tim are you hoping to win this weekend
Tim : I'm hoping I can do it
Man : okay thanks Tim

* they walked to other drivers and they left

* they did practice 1 and 2

* Tim was P5 on practice 1

* Tim was p2 on practice 2

* they went back to the hotel and they want ti sleep

* the next day

* they go into the car and they drive then to the race track

* they arrive and they get out

* they walk into the red bull garage

* Jackson got into the car and drives off

Lucy *kisses him : good luck
Tim : always

* Tim put his helmet and he drives out

* Tim is driving fast he's driving faster then his teammate

* 1 hour later

Angela : p1
Tim : okay

* they pulled in they had qualifying

* they go out and they drive their fastest

Angela : Lewis P1 push but watch the tyres
Tim : copy * pushes he goes faster

* end of qualifying

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