Chapter 5

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* couple days later Tim and Lucy went on holiday together to Monaco one of Tim's friends his name is Charles lives there he's joined formula one he's in Ferrari team

* Tim meets up with him

Tim : Charles
Charles : hey man *hugs him : and this is your girlfriend *shakes hands with her
Lucy *shakes hands

* they all went out on a boat to go swimming and they were all excited

* Tim kissed Lucy

Charles : love birds smile
Tim *smiles wraps an arm around Lucy's shoulder

* Charles took the picture

Lucy : so Charles are you exited to start driving
Charles : yeah I am how is it at first
Tim : well when I first joined I was nervous but when I got into the car and started driving it felt incredible
Charles : I can't wait
Tim : bet you can't

* 1 hour later

* they all got off the boat Tim and Lucy say bye to Charles and go to the hotel

* they enter the room and got into the shower and changed into comfy clothes

* Lucy looked at Tim he didn't have a shirt on

Tim : baby what's wrong
Lucy * goes to him pushes him on the bed
Tim : baby what is
Lucy *gets on top of him and kisses him she goes to his neck and kisses it
Tim : Luce baby
Lucy *goes down to his shorts pulls them off and kisses the his abs
Tim : oh baby is that why you were looking at me my abs
Lucy : you're very attractive
Tim : why don't I show you how much I like you
Lucy : okay
Tim *puts Lucy's on the bed takes Lucy's shirt off and takes her joggers off and kisses her stomach looks at Lucy
Lucy *nods

* 1 hour later

* they collapsed on the bed and they cuddle together with the covers over them

Lucy : I love you
Tim : what I
Lucy *shuts her eyes and falls asleep

* Lucy just confessed she's in love with Tim how will Tim react

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