I limped across the rough turf,Wincing as Sharp stones scraped my pads.That hurts!!!,I thought to myself.I was starving and needed some milk from a queen or some easy prey.Hunger clawed at my belly like giant claws ready to kill me.I then looked up from my limping paws and saw A lush vegitation of trees and soft cool grass ahead of me.I sped up my Gait,Not realizing that I had entered soulclan territory.I plopped down on a patch of soft cool grass when A tall brown and cream colored shecat Pinned me.I yelped loudly and squirmed,trying to kick her off."Who are you?"The tall she cat demanded."I-im Echo...."I stammered quietly."I'm Thrushstar"The shecat meowed."You look quite young to be alone.Where's your mother,Little one."Thrushstar mewed"I...don't know where my m-mother is...she dissapeared when I was one moon...."I mewed weakly."Let's get you something to eat,you look like a twig!"Thrushstar meowed.I didn't object as she picked me up by the scruff and Carried me into the forest.
~Chapter 2~Echo becomes part of soulclan
Thrushstar stopped.I woke up from a shallow doze and looked up.I saw a legendarily huge tall tree with A bundle of strong branches overhead.She leaped from tree branch to tree branch with me firmly but Gently in her jaws.She leaped up onto a Wide Huge branch surrounded by Strong ancient vines,About at ancient as the huge tree."LET ALL THOSE OLD ENOUGH TO CLIMB THE HIGHEST TREE GATHER BENEATH HIGHBRANCH FOR A CLAN MEETING!!!"Thrushstar Yelled as soon after she Set me down at her paws.Cats began streaming onto the vines and Balancing themselves,staring up at us curiously."This young kit by the name of Echo was found at the edge of soulclan territory,barely clinging onto life out of starvation. She shall get the protection and care here at soulclan.She is now known as Echokit!"Thrushstar demanded."ECHOKIT ECHOKIT!"the clan called out.
Echosong's Story
AcakA young shekit named Echo is near death by starvation when a wise leader of soulclan named Thrushstar discovers Echo at the edge of her territory near death and brings her into the clan later known as Echosong. She tells this whole story to the clan...