Chapter 8: Home

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Reader's POV:

Addison walks down the stairs with Xavier right on her tail. Austin sees them coming down the store and looks at them confused. "When did you get here," he asks looking at Addison. Xavier looks at him and tells him last night. Austin shakes his head as an okay noticing the purple marks on Addison's neck. "You might want to cover that before you go home," Austin says with a laugh walking away. Addison walks over to the mirror at the bottom of the stairs seeing three different marks. She could easily hide two of them but the third one would be impossible to hide. She turns to look at Xavier saying " Did you really have to make them that noticeable." He just laughs walking over towards her grabbing his keys from the hook above her head. " You know I did. Now come on it is almost 11 in the morning. I am surprised Aurora or Amelia hasn't blown up your phone yet wondering where you are," he says with a chuckle. She nods her head and walks towards the front door bumping into someone. " Oh you're still here, I thought you left already," the girl from last night speaks. Addison looks at her outfit rolling her eyes. " Do you really think that outfit is gonna get his attention. He isn't into women who dress where everything is exposed sweetheart," Addison says snapping back at her. She just rolls her eyes looking at Xavier. "Are you going somewhere Xavier, I was thinking maybe we could hang out," she says looking at him with hope in her eyes. " Definitely not while you're wearing that. Like Addi said I'm not into women who expose themselves to get guys'attention. Now if you will excuse me I have to take Addison home," he replies walking towards the door opening it for Addison. As they close the door behind them they can hear the girl walking away annoyed. They both head down the steps getting into Xavier's car heading towards Addison's home.

Aurora's POV:

I wake to the sound of birds chirping out my window. I glance over at the clock on my bedroom stand to notice it is 7 in the morning. I roll out of bed heading to the bathroom. I decide to take shower and then head down the stairs. I make my way to the kitchen and decide to make breakfast for us all. At 8:30 I hear someone coming down the stairs walking toward the kitchen. I.N walks into the kitchen and smiles at me as he rubs his eyes. I get him a cup of juice as he takes a seat on one of the bar stools. "Thank you," he says to me taking a sip of his juice. "Do you need any help," he asks. I shake my head replying, " You can help me set the table if you want."  He shakes his head and grabs some chopsticks from the drawer and starts to set the table. As it is almost 9 I hear more footsteps coming down the stairs. I glance towards the door and see all the members except for Chan. He must still be asleep. Lee Know walks up to me and offers to help me finish cooking. " Yes please, can you just finish up the last little bit of food here and bring them to the table please. I'm going to wake up Chan so he can eat with us," I say looking at Lee Know. He nods his head as I start to head toward the stairs. I am making my way up the stairs as I glance towards my phone. I wonder what time Addison is going to be coming home. I finally reached Chan's bedroom door. I knock on his door waiting to see if he will respond. I knock over and over again and still no response. I slowly push his door open while walking inside. I walk in and see him sleeping on his bed. I walk up to his bed and tap him on his shoulder, " Chan, it's time to get up. I made breakfast and you better come get it before they eat it all."  He starts to stir a little at the sound of food. After two minutes he finally wakes up. "Did you say that you made food," he asks as he looks at me.I shake my head as yes. "If you want any of it then you better get up before the boys eat it all," I say laughing. He laughs also and is about to get up when he stops. "Could you possibly wait for me outside. I kind of have no clothes on underneath my blanket," he says with blush creeping up his cheeks. I look at him and instantly jump up headed for the door apologizing on my way out. After about five minutes Chan walks out. I smile at him and we both head down the stairs. 

After an hour of just eating and chatting Addison walks through the door with Xavier. I hear Amelia yell his name. That's how I know he's here. We all walk to the door to see what the ruckus is about. "Xav, what are you doing here," I ask as I walk towards him. Looking towards the door wondering if he is alone. " I had to bring Addi home. I can't really let her walk the streets and risk her getting taken now can I," he says looking at me. He follows my eyes towards the door and looks at me "I'm alone by the way," he says as I look at him and see the smile on his face. I smile back at him giving him a hug. "It's nice to see you Xavier. Are you hungry," I ask looking between him and Addison. "Did you make it," Xavier asked.  I laughed and nod my head as a yes. "Then yes I'm starving, Addi worked me too hard last night," Xavier says laughing, earning a slap from Addison. I just laugh and head towards the kitchen. 

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