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So... There is this girl. Yeah, I know. Typical story - there is always a "this" girl scenario. But this girl, the girl in my story, she's different. She walked into my life when I was fourteen. A boy teetering on the borderline of relishing in my youth while considering myself a man.

She wasn't your average girl - no, she was far from average. Metaphors aside, she's the kind of girl who walks into a room and, without even attempting to, captures everyone's attention- a girl who, with just one look, makes you forget your next thought.

I swear, the day I met Allie Morrison was the day I knew, for a fact, that angels genuinely do exist. I'd just gotten home from school, waiting for my older brother Dak so we could continue playing our X-box game that had been on pause for well over seventeen hours. Mom hated when we left the box on, but she never understood what was at stake when defeating the unknown in a game. It was war.

Dak and I are close in age - one year, four months, and twelve days, to be exact. We weren't just brothers; we were best friends. We shared pretty much everything - games, clothes, shoes. It didn't matter what it was until she walked through the front door.

Let me rephrase... She didn't walk through the front door. She flew through the damn door, laughing as she chased Dak up the steps. I stood in the living room in awe when she stopped midway up the stairs and turned to me. Her light blue eyes, her smile - all directed at me. She was the most beautiful girl I'd seen in my fourteen years. Her chestnut hair framed her oval face. She was my definition of perfection.

"Hey there." That simple phrase made chills dance across my skin. I couldn't even speak as I watched her descend the steps. Her white dress danced behind her. "You must be Dak's brother."

Words. I couldn't formulate any words. Now, standing in front of me, she extended her hand. "I'm Allie."

I stood there, awestruck like an idiot, shaking her hand. Her scent-jasmine and honey-consumed me, now embedded in my soul. Her eyes shined as she looked up at me. She was short; I towered over her petite frame.

"Hey, assface, stop being rude to my girlfriend." Dak's voice pulled me from my trance as he jumped down the steps, coming up next to Allie. "This is Tucker."

"Your... girlfriend? When did you get a girlfriend?" I asked, confused. I never heard Dak speak about a girlfriend or that he was interested in anyone, for that matter.

"Allie was the girl I told you about when we moved here a year ago. She was one of my first friends in this shithole. We talk all the time. You've spoken to her on the phone countless times, dumbass. Stop being weird." Dak wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Want anything from the kitchen?"

"Water, please."

"Right this way." I watched as he pulled Allie into the kitchen and left me there, standing in the living room, looking and feeling like a moron. He was right - I talked to Allie when she and Dak became friends. Allie and I had a friendship, even though I had never met her until that moment. Who would have thought the sweet voice on the other end of the phone belonged to the girl standing in my kitchen?

"Hey, Tuck." I looked over to see Allie walking out of the kitchen. She is the only one who calls me Tuck. I hated that nickname growing up. It made me feel more like a child and less like a man. Somehow, hearing her say it made me feel important.

Her arms wrapped around me, and she squeezed. "It's so good to finally meet my best friend."

Taken by surprise, I chuckled. "Best friend, huh?"

She pulled away from me with a wink. "Yep."

That was the day my brother became second on my best friend list. With just one look, Allie had me hook, line, and sinker. I knew, at that moment, I would do anything for that girl.

Four years later, I ended up giving my brother a black eye and a bloody nose. A night I will never forget. The night Dak got drunk and cheated on Allie at our older brother Maverick's party. It was also the first time I had ever touched him. Dak begged me not to tell her - cried, even. But how fair would that be to my best friend? Not telling her would essentially be lying to her, and that was a pinky promise I wasn't willing to break. Then, everything clicked: this wasn't the first time he had done something like that.

Dak was more distant toward Allie in those days and was always at Maverick's house. While she worked nights at our local bar and lounge, Floyd's, he was over at Maverick's banging a chick named Melissa. One night, while Allie was visiting with her grandparents, I went to Maverick's house and witnessed Melissa walking out of the bedroom with Dak behind her. I couldn't stop myself from throwing my fist into his face.

The following day, after the party, I woke up with two letters lying next to me. One was for me, and the other was for Allie. I didn't have to open the letters to know what was inside. That morning, I went to her house and delivered the letter Dak had addressed. I watched as tears fell from her eyes, and I knew. He had told her the truth in that letter.

Dak joined the Marines that day, and I held my best friend while she cried over the boy who was supposed to love her for the rest of her life.

Only she never knew that boy...

Is me.

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