Open Your Eyes

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Leafy's heart pounded away in her chest as she tried to peek around the other contestants ahead of her. It was purely incidental that she'd ended up at the back of the line. But it was okay! She would have gladly let everyone ahead of her anyways. It was the nice thing to do!

She wasn't the only one who was absolutely buzzing with excitement. This was no ordinary line to stand in. It was the line. The one to enter Dream Island.

She couldn't believe that it was finally happening. BFDI was over. She'd spent two whole years participating in this wacky competition. She was beginning to think that it would never end!

Leafy perked up when she heard a joyous, "Yoylecake!" from somewhere near the front of the line and smiled broadly. Bubble got in! They may have had a bit of a... falling out recently. But that didn't mean that she couldn't be happy for her former best friend. Who knows? Maybe they would even have a chance to patch up their relationship once they were all inside!

Huh. The line was actually moving surprisingly fast with only a few short pauses here and there. People being turned away? Surely not! She didn't see anyone stepping out of line and glumly walking away. Not even the enigmatic David who stood just ahead of her was rejected!

Ah... and there he was. The winner of BFDI himself, and her very best friend.


There was a tense pause as the young flame looked up at the next person in line... Flower, one of the biggest bullies that anyone had ever known. The girl had been an absolute menace during the entire competition! Always shouting, throwing wild tantrums, ordering people around, and causing problems whenever she possibly could. If there was any singular person who didn't deserve to enter Dream Island, it was surely her.

Flower was staring straight ahead towards the golden gates of Dream Island. Her expression was blank, but there was a longing in her eyes. Deep down, she knew that her rotten attitude could have just cost her the opportunity to ever set foot beyond those gates.

Leafy was the only person present who was still smiling. Not out of some smug satisfaction out of seeing Flower finally receiving some well-earned karma. But because she knew Firey better than Flower did. And she knew for a fact that the spiteful girl had nothing to worry about.

Just as she'd expected, the gracious winner of BFDI quickly dispelled all of Flower's worries.

"Flower, I still think you're a jerk, but you can come in," he said with a grin.

The pink-petalled bully smiled brightly in return as all tension immediately left her body. She held her head up high as she walked past Firey without even a hint of malice or deceit. Leafy could have sworn that she saw Flower's hands trembling. She found herself actually feeling happy for her, despite all the trouble she'd caused.

"Wow, Firey, that's so nice of you!" Leafy praised as she lifted her hands into the air.

She was about to shower him with praise for his kindness, but she was quickly cut off by... none other than Coiny. He'd been scowling ever since Firey was crowned the winner. What a heavy blow his pride must have taken to lose the ultimate prize to his longtime rival.

"You'd better let me in," the copper coin threatened as he immediately stepped forward and held his fist right in Firey's face, "or else!"

Leafy was worried that something like this was going to happen. And Firey wasn't having any of it.

"No! Are you serious," Firey barked as he pushed Coiny away hard enough to almost topple the boy over. "Think of all the things you've done!"

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