CHAPTER 2: The Plan

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"What matters is you; not the state of you"

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng turned their heads to see a woman with navy blue hair in a very suggestive outfit

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Xie Lian and Hua Cheng turned their heads to see a woman with navy blue hair in a very suggestive outfit.

The two weren't affected by her outfit and just looked at her curiously. Xie Lian asked politely, "Do you need something ma'am?"

Once she was close enough, she took a little bit to catch her breath. After a few moments, she looked at the both of them with shine in her eyes.

The woman yelled excitedly, "How old are you two?" This question stumped them. Xie Lian slowly turned his head to look at Hua Cheng with pleading eyes. He understood the meaning and cleared his throat.

"He and I are 14 years old," Hua Cheng said confidently.

'Way too young San Lang! Theres no way she'll believe us—'

"Wow!! So young and yet you're skin is unblemished!" She praised us unexpectedly. "Say, are you kids going to apply for UA?"

Xie Lian looked confused since he didn't know what this 'UA' even was. The woman caught on this and explained.

"Its the best hero-school you can go to! Apply for the exams and im sure you two will ace it! Maybe you can even intern at my agency!"

Hua Cheng made an intrested 'hmph' while Xie Lian had his mouth open like ':o'.

"Ah- im supposed to be scolding you! Right, Ekhem.. Even if you two were brave today, you must know that you can't use youre quirks in public. Do it again and the police will get involved," she lectured us. Hua Cheng was starting to connect the dots, along with Xie Lian.

"Thank you for being so lenient," Hua Cheng said. "Though, might I ask for your name in case we do end up interning?" he asked.

"Silly boys, dont you know im the R-rated hero Midnight!"

'R-rated..?' Xie Lian thought curiously, but didnt poke any further.

"I better get back to hero-work.. make sure to apply!! Can't wait to see you two in the future!" Midnight said waving the two off.

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng had quickly built a mini cabin similar to Puqi Shrine. It took only a few minutes with skilled hands such as Hua Cheng's.

They were both sharing the same bed as usual, knowing they could've easily made another one.

"We need disguises Gege, we might've fooled Midnight but I doubt we'd fool the other 'hereos',"Hua Cheng said very mischievously.

"Ah.. youre right, but what disguise—" before Xie Lian could finish his question, Hua Cheng has switched forms to a Younger San Lang. Xie Lian gasped a little, but quickly melted into an "Awee!!"

Xie Lian cooed at San Lang, "Wittle San Lang is so cutee!!" He pinched and pulled at San Lang's face, who was very much enjoying the touch.

"Gege, your turn," he said soothingly. His voice had gotten a little pitchier, but still carried that aloof demeanour.

"I've actually never tried before, I wouldn't know how to," he said while scratching his cheek. San Lang only chuckled and grabbed Xie Lian's hand.

"Let me help you out, Gege," he said while whispering 'Gege' as if it were a prayer. Xie Lian blushed a little as he interlocked fingers with San Lang. Soon enough, Xie Lian felt spiritual power coursing through him. It didn't feel any different from other techniques, but he didn't realize it was over already. San Lang let go and smiled, "You can open your eyes now."

Xie Lian did so and didn't feel like any different until San Lang brought a ceramic bowl full of water to him. Xie Lian looked at his reflection and was suprised to see a younger him. It remineded him a lot back when he was a crown prince.

"Woah..." Xie Lian muttered out while examining his face.

San Lang laughed softly, "Do you like it that much Danxia?" Xie Lian almost forgot that he was there and began to feel embarrassed. His cheeks tinted with a red hue. San Lang only laughed once more before saying, "Don't worry Danxia. I quite like the look too."

(Interruption. Whatever youre thinking its not it😭 they simply admire each other!! Please dont take it weirdly, theyre my whole life)

Xie Lian wanted to whine but just accepted the showers of compliments he recieved. After reverting back to their original form, they both decided to sleep.

In the morning, the two started to talk about how they would live here. Shelter and warmth weren't a problem and food wasn't either, but Hua Cheng insisted they find some. So the two went job searching and ended up landing in a cat cafe. They weren't even asked for a resume since the shop owner was already planning to use their good looks to draw in more costumers.

Xie Lian went to the check out to take the scruffy man's order, "Hello sir! How may i help you?"

The homeless looking man had long,black, messy hair with dark eye bags and a grey scarf covering his neck. The man cleared his throat before ordering, "I'll just take black coffee."

Xie Lian smiled warmly and started to tap on his screen. "If that's all then it'll be $2.79 please!"

The man started reaching for his wallet when Xie Lian started to think that this man was somewhat familiar. When the stranger was about to tap the card, Xie Lian beamed, "Ah! You're Eraser right?"

Eraser looked puzzled since he wasn't exactly that known. He was an underground pro who never showed himself to the media, but Xie Lian knew him for a different reason, "I've heard so much about you! You're one of our cafe's top regulars! Im new here so it's quite nice to finally meet you!"

Eraser blinked once, then twice, and then again. He scratched the back of his neck and started to avoid contact. Xie Lian felt the awkwardness and just let it slide. "If you want to pet Bingpup he's by the cat tower," Xie Lian said nervously to cut the ice. Bingpup was Eraser's favourite cat on the cafe. He would come by to drink his black coffee and then give belly rubs to Bingpup. It's surprising since the man looks so un-sociable.

After 6 months, the talk about the UA entrance exams was getting around. Ofcourse working in such a busy cafe, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian got curious. They even both considered to join the entrance exams.

"Think about it San Lang! We'd be able to learn more about this world, have shelter, and everything we need is paid!" Xie Lian said trying to reason with Hua Cheng.

"Is that really all you want?" He teased because he knew Xie Lian was really looking for something else.

Xie Lian started to feel embarrassed and looked away while fiddling with his fingers, "I thought it'd be pretty fun as well..." he said guilty. Hua Cheng chuckled and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

Xie Lian was a little surprised but calmed down quickly.

"Whatever Gege wants, I'll be there."

Xie Lian blushed again but smiled. He pounced onto Hua Cheng who welcomed him with strong arms.

"How did I ever get so lucky.." Xie LIan muttered out while nuzzling into the crook of Hua Chengs neck. Hua Cheng hugged him tighter and thought, 'No, it's me that's the lucky one.'

The two stayed like this until they both fell asleep.

Words... 1252


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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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