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I walk across the courtyard, the early morning air assaulting me. The uniform I'd been supplied with fits me almost perfectly, the button up white shirt adding a touch of class to the otherwise boring uniform. I wear the school cardigan over the top, the burgundy shade complimenting my hair nicely.

The grey plain skirt rests above my knees, with the white ankle socks and black patent shoes completing the look.

All in all, I feel like an imposter.

I reach the doors leading to the classrooms, stopping within a metre and releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding.

And then I push them open and walk in.

Instantly, I feel eyes on me, judging me and finding me lacking.

I ignore the scathing looks and whispers, turning left down the corridor to find my first class of the day.

And promptly stop at the person blocking my way.

The boy is taller than me but not by much, his dirty blonde hair swept back in what I assume he believes is 'hot mess' but just seems to be missing the hot part.

He takes a step closer, forcing me to take a step back until my back hits the lockers.

He smiles, the move showing off pearly white teeth that I'd bet money were veneers and then his arm lifts, resting on the locker beside me and caging me in. I turn to stare at the offending limb before looking back at his with a deadened expression.

"Haven't seen you around before." He moves his face closer to mine, looking down on me.

"I'm new." I say deadpan, stating the obvious as I feel the sliminess of his gaze slip down me, skimming my chest in the uniform. At least I'm glad the buttons go high enough to stop his leering gaze from seeing more than I want him to. Though if he doesn't take a step back in three second I'm going to punch him and it wouldn't do well to get kicked out on my first day. I can't cause trouble.

Go to school, get good grades, escape. That's all I need to do and I need this scholarship to get to the escape part. I take a soothing breath and tense my fists, keeping them at my side.

He leers at me, leaning closer until I can smell what he had for breakfast and I mentally gag, reminding myself of my promise.

No trouble.

"What do you want?"

"I'm Lachlan." He says, looking up and down my body appreciatively.

"And I don't care." I move to the side to rid myself of his presence but he slides with me, moving his other arm to lock me in place. "You're making me late for class." I utter.

"Stick by me and they won't care." He flicks his head to the side, dirty blonde hair sweeping back from his green eyes.

I smile, moving to duck under his arm but he stops me, "I'll take my chances with a reprimand."

He only smiles, as if I'm flirting with him and not trying to escape.

"People call me 'The Taxman.'"


For the first time since this conversation had started, his mask slips, lips tightening at my attitude. Not impressed. But I'm not impressed by his company so I guess we're even.

He raises a brow, as if the name should mean something to me and so I take the bait, "Why do they call you the taxman?" I say the words like I'm speaking to a small child, indulging their every whim so you don't set them off crying.

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