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When I go to school the next day, the three boys are nowhere to be seen, nor do they turn up the day after, or the one after that.

For three days I go to school, go to classes, eat with a silent Kat and work after studying for a few hours, rinse and repeat. The only person that had been paying me any attention was Aubrey - the childhood friend of the Lords who seemed the watch me from their table. Even empty and sitting alone, she still seemed to rule over everyone within a fifty mile radius.

Exhaustion pulls at my limbs like an unruly child, begging and pleading at me to stop, yet I wake again, ready myself for school and start the day.

I walk down the hall, ignoring the whispers from the students that linger at their lockers. I'd gotten used to them the last few days, funnily enough they had become one of the normal constants in my life.

I feel eyes on me, my hair standing on end and I turn my head, eyes connecting to Sienna's. She leans against her locker, a posse of girls surrounding her, hanging on her every word as she speaks. Yet her eyes remain on me, narrowed with a shine in the depths that I couldn't even try to decipher if I wanted to.

A body sidles up to me from my peripheral, almost colliding with me and I stumble to a stop.

The boys hands settle on my hips as if he's doing me a favour.

I step out of his reach, glaring at Lachlan.

I glance down the hallway but it lay empty.

"What do you want?"

He raises his brows back at me, tsking under his breath. "I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, with you being new and everything but it's been a few days now and it's time to pay up."

"Pay up?" I mimic, bored.

He steps forward, a leering gaze slipping down my figure and he raises a hand, almost touching my face before I move back.

I spin on my heel, intent to get away from him but he catches me with a hand around my wrist, pulling me back and slamming me against the lockers with a resounding bang.

I grunt at the impact, narrowing my gaze on Lachlan as he crowds me, too busy looking down my shirt to notice the fist I pull back before it's slamming into his nose with a vengeance.

Energy zips through me, seeking a home and I breathe in the familiarity of the fight, feeling like myself, truly like myself, for the first time since I ran away.

He rears back, a whine exiting his lips and his blood spills.

"You rotten bitch." The words are like gravel as he spits them but I'm too focused on escaping his hold to care much for what he's saying, twisting out of his grip and stepping away.

I shake my hand out, mouth lifting at the pain throbbing from my knuckles and notice the split skin.

I didn't think I hit him that hard.

"Careful, Lachlan, I have a short temper."

I shrug, stepping past the whining idiot and make my way down the hallway.

I only make it about half way before my wrist is once more grabbed and I'm being pulled into a supply closet.

I pull back my fist, ready to let it fly into the person face but Malac catches it with his own fist, grinning at me in the shadows.

"That was sexy as fuck, baby girl."

I drop my fist but Malac doesn't let it go, stepping forward to crowd my space. He brings my fist up for inspection, looking at the split knuckles, my own blood spotting the bruised skin and then his eyes flit to mine.

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