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My eyes skim over the words, absorbing the information as much as I can as I take notes with one hand and pick up the sandwich with the other.

School is exhausting and I'd only been here less than a day. How anyone did years of this was beyond me. I mean, I know I went to school before - well everything happened but I swear it wasn't this draining.

You were thirteen. I ignore the inner voice in my head, scribbling down a note for class. Teaching myself was a lot easier then listening to teachers drone on and on about a small detail that captured their attention then actually teach what they were meant to be teaching.

I quickly jot down another note before shutting the book and pulling my full attention to the sandwich, my stomach grumbling. Food was a scarcity when I lived with my mother and even though it's been over four years since I lived with her, my constant fight for food hadn't dimmed a bit. It probably didn't help that he used to take me out for lavish dinners whenever I'd done something he deemed worthy but then would lock me in my room with Elijah at the door to keep watch for two days without food when I'd lost a match or talked back.

I'm too proud to not admit that I talked back quite a lot, especially within the past year. I mean what did he expect when he killed the only friend I'd ever made for myself, even if Ethan was becoming more by the end.

But nobody touched the Boss' property, as we'd both learnt the hard way.

Ethan more than I, since he was now buried in a shallow grave somewhere and I had spent the two weeks after his death trapped in his bed, his room, his company every waking hour.

I scan the cafeteria, and no matter how hard I try to stop myself from looking for the three boys from the bar, I still search every face for them.

They hadn't arrived yet, and I wasn't sure whether to blow out a relieved breath or not. They may have been pretty but there was something about them that screamed danger, and I wouldn't allow myself to get sucked in.

I hadn't seen Killian and Malac since our run in this morning, Kade was a no show as well. None of them were in my classes which was a relief. What was concerning though was that none of them mentioned the bike, not even Malac - the person I'd borrowed it from.

It had my hair standing on end, waiting for the hammer to drop.

The sooner I separate myself from those three, the better.

I didn't need to get caught up in whatever Candace was hinting at, even if she'll never tell me outright what those three are doing that's so dangerous.

Footsteps sound to my right and I lift my head, regarding the girl that stands in front of me. She's in a few of my classes and had talked to me in every single one.

She was nice, if not persistent. Kat was her name.

I raise a brow at her and she fiddles with her fingers, looking over her shoulder slightly before back at me.

"You should stay away from the Lords." She says softly, as if speaking the name too loud would summon them. 

"The Lords?"

"Kinkade, Killian and Malachi. People noticed them talking to you this morning. You should try and stay out of their way. It never ends well for the girls caught in their trap."

This is the second person to hint that any girl involved with them disappears or at least, that what it seems.

I tilt my head at her, leaning forward. "Who are they?"

Her eyes widen and she shakes her head. "Just stay away from them, it'll make the next few years easier for you." Kat gives me a close lipped smile as she takes a seat opposite me.

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