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I slip back into my dorm, taking a few seconds to check my surroundings before slipping into my room.

I quickly strip from my fighting clothes, the black long sleeve and tights being thrown into a corner for me to worry about tomorrow and walk into the bathroom to wash my hair and body, making sure the sweat and any remnants of the fight like blood or hair dye wash down the drain, then I get out and quickly dry before crawling under the covers, letting exhaustion fill me.

• • •

The next morning when I wake up, the bruise on my jaw is very noticeable, aching with a vengeance but it's still a comfort.

God, does that make me broken? That the pain reminds me so much of my old life that it comforts me.

Grabbing the small amount of makeup I'd left with; I completely conceal the bruise before getting ready for school and to face Kade - wondering if he'd worked out yet if it was me last night even if he hadn't said anything.

I didn't take Kade as the type of guy to not demand answers so getting ready for the day was a feat, I wasn't ready to share my secret with someone. Especially with someone who hated me so viciously.

With one last look in the mirror, I throw my bag on my shoulder and head out the door, only to slam into a body that just happens to be standing in my way.

I step back from the wall of muscle and lift my head to stare at Malac but the boy only grins, offering me his elbow.

I take it with a grumble, "Why the hell are you loitering in the hallway like a criminal?"

"I am a criminal." He retorts, giving me a pointed look that I ignore, leading me down the staircase that still smells of fresh paint.

"Why were you lingering outside my door?"

"I was waiting for you." He leads me across the courtyard, and then to the classrooms, his steps silent but in tune with mine.

I watch him wearily, feeling on edge with every silent second that passes between us, and even when classes begin and the teacher drones on, my hand cramping from the notes I'm scribbling, I still watch him from the corner of my eye, waiting for the strike.

He disappears in the middle of second period, not saying anything to me before slipping out, not reappearing for the whole lesson or the next one.

• • •

I figure since Malachi disappeared, it's not a stretch to think the other two did aswell and when I entered the cafeteria late and see their table empty, I breathe a sigh of relief and move towards the one I'd occupied before the whole mess began, Kat off sick for the day.

I slip into the seat, pulling the lasagna close to me before digging in, ignoring the eyes I can feel on me, ignoring everything.

Until a body sidles into the seat beside min, the heat of their thigh scorching through the uniform.

I roll my eyes skyward, a small groan emitting from my lips but when I look back at Malac, he only grins wider as if he finds amusement in my annoyance.

"Rosie Girl." He almost purrs, staring at me straight.

I slip further down, leaving much needed space between us.

I ignore him, focusing back on my food even as I feel the gazes of the other students turn more insistent, as if waiting for the drama to unfold.

Well they can continue to wait.

Malac doesn't take the hint, slipping further towards me reaching for a chip on my plate.

I glare at the offending hand but he only laugh under his breath.

"Move your fucking ass." Kades voice is unmistakable, acid dripping from the end of his words before he's striding towards the table in the middle of the cafeteria.

I grit my teeth and stay seated but then a hand is grabbing my plate and taking off with it while I look at Killian in astonishment.

Malachi laugh, low and rough before stalking from the seat towards the 'lords' table.

Resigning myself to not eating, I prop my elbows on the table and lean forward.

"Cmon, baby girl don't leave the king waiting." He says with pure amusement, holding a hand out to me to grab.

I narrow my eyes on it, calculating the odds of me escaping the cafeteria unscathed when my stomach grumbles and Malac smiles wider. "You coming?"

I ignore his hand and push up from the seat, striding to the table and plopping down, ignore Kades self satisfied smile and Killian watchful gaze.

Malachi drops down beside me and stretches out lazily, hand brushing mine.

I move further away, clearing my throat softly before noticing Killian's eyes on me.

He looks away and my gaze falls to Kade again.

"We own you, Princess, remember that." He says roughly. "I don't care if we're not at school, you will sit at this table like a good girl."

I don't get the chance to say anything before something cold slithers down my spine, coating my hair and clothes in a sticky substance, the liquid splashing onto my lasagna, ruining a perfectly good meal and I notice Kades amused expression as he leans back in his seat, with crossed arms.

I guess being owned by them doesn't translate to being part of the group - not enough for the immunity they all seem to have with the teachers and student body.

I suck in a slow breath.

"Oops." Comes a grating voice from behind me and I whip my head around, satisfaction rolling through me when the wet strand of my hair whip the girl.

Sienna staggers back, disgust coating her face before those eyes settle on me. "Sorry, I didn't see anyone sitting there."

"Sure, you didn't." I mutter, letting my eyes slip down her in obvious disdain.

She ignores my words, looking towards Killian as if to see his reaction before looking at Kade, "Hey Kade."

I donate back towards him to find his amused expression gone, replaced with a bored, disinterested one, not replying to her greeting.

Atleast I'm not the only person he treats like trash.

Sienna twists her gaze back to me with a sneer. "Just thought you needed to be reminded to stay away from my boyfriend."

I blink back at her, "who was your boyfriend again?" I play dumb and look around the table at the only boys here, paying extra attention to Killian and Kade since she seems to want their attention so badly before I let my mouth drop open in shock. "You guys didn't tell me you had a girlfriend?"

Killian's lips tip up but Kade only glares harder, his jaw ticking in annoyance.

"We don't." Killian mutters, keeping his gaze on mine.

I grin and turn back to Sienna, "Well if it's not these guys you've just been eye fucking, who is it?"

She screeches, the sound so high pitched for a second, I can't hear anything. "Lachlan."

I raise a brow, "Who?"

She loses it, stomping off and I watch her go before I lift a hand to the wet strands of hair, grimacing. "Is this orange juice?"

"My favourite." Malac whispers.

I shove an elbow into his side but he only grins and hold's it close to him, chuckling lowly.

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