two: diver down

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After the whole incident at the party, with the fight between John B and a kook named Topper, everyone went home. Shay had gotten home pretty late so most of his family was asleep. Besides his dad and his uncle, they were out in the back by a car the two were working on.

"Look who finally arrived." Dom said making the two grown men look over to the boy.

"Were you at that party on the beach?" Brian asked his son.

"There's a possibility I made an appearance. Why?" Shay asked as he walked over to the two.

"Heard someone pulled a gun out. Wouldn't know anything about that, would we?" Brian asked, he and Sheriff Peterkin had already known who it was. But had no intention of yelling at the boy.

"Nope, I didn't see that." Shay had lied, he knew it was JJ, he was standing next to him when he pulled the weapon out.

"Right." Dom said easily telling the boy was lying, and Shay went to his room to sleep.

He had gone to John B's the next day, and John B told the group about how Peterkin showed up and told him to stay out of the marsh. If John B did, Peterkin would keep him out of foster care.

"I'm calling it off." John B said. Shay furrowed his brows in confusion as John B started to walk away with JJ following.

Somehow they came up with the brilliant idea to steal the Cameron's scuba gear and search the boat they found. Clearly it was JJ's idea. John B had gone to the Cameron's boat to get the gear because he worked on the boat.

They got back to the sunken boat, and were trying to figure out who was going to actually scuba dive. They needed to be quick though because there was a search party out for Scooter Grubbs missing boat.

"This is empty, you took empty tanks?" Kie asked John B as the were sitting on the boat.

"This is a quarter full, enough for one of us." Shay pointed out.

"Love it when a plan come together." Pope said with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

"Does anybody know how to dive?" Kie asked

"Not it." Shay said as he touched his pointer finger to his nose.

"That's kind of a kook sport." JJ said.

"I read about it."

"Great. Pope read about it, so someone if going to die." Kie said

"Look you put the thing in your mouth and breathe. How hard can it be?" JJ asked

"Well if you come i'm to fast, Nitrogen gets into your blood and you get the bends." Pope informed JJ

"Bends, like, bends over-?" JJ said bending over slightly making Shay chuckle.

"The bends kill you." JJ stood up and both stopped smiling.

"Well, that's a bit awkward." Shay mumbled under his breath.

"I can- I can dive."

"You can dive, i'm cool with that."

John B decided to dive and Pope did some math so they knew where John B would have to make a stop, because of the pressure of the water or something. Shay stopped listening to Pope and his talk.

Kie took her shirt off and jumped in the water, making the four boys confused at the sudden movement. She tied her shirt to the anchor rope, and came buck up to the surface of the water.

John B went under and he had been there for a few minutes, then the cops showed up. It was Shoupe and his partner. The boat came over and JJ tied them together.

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