t w e n t y f o u r: cant get enough of you

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waking up in the same bed as ace will always for some reason shock me. after countless rounds of sex last night... i literally lost count. we eventually passed out.
i check my phone and see it's only eight thirty, i texted taylor and told her i had a guy over, i was going back to sleep and to see if she could be out of the room until i gave her the clear to come back. awful roommate i am.
she responded quickly saying it's totally fine and she was gonna go to toris for a while anyway to help her with her assignments she didn't end up doing last night.

assuming ace felt the movement from my side of my bed he stirred for a few seconds before eventually opening his eyes.
"hi pretty girl" he mumbles.
i don't say anything, instead i drop my phone back down on my desk and move closer to ace, letting his arms wrap around me.
"what time is it?" he asks
"eight thirty" i mumble against his chest.
"way too early." he says
i nod and close my eyes again.

a few hours pass and this time i feel movement from his side which causes me to wake up.
"if it's before ten im going to kill you" i tell him.
"good thing it's ten fifteen." he says
"okay, we need to talk." i sit up pretty much exposing my naked body and his. "after i find a shirt" i say and he points to the end of our bed where our clothes have vanished to.
i reach down and grab my t shirt and hand him his boxers.

"are we gonna have this little talk every time we wake up in the same bed" he asks
"no, i'm setting the record straight, no strings attached means no feelings, feelings include jealousy." i tell him
"i was not jealous" he scoffs
"really because i remember hearing a whole lot of "who did you fuck, who was it?" talk coming out of your mouth last night." i tell him as my fingers run up and down his torso.

"i think i have a right to know, as one of your sex partners i need to know if i should get std tested" he says
"well im clean, cant say the same about you, with all your hookups, must be so hard to keep up."
"you know i didn't mean that when said it yesterday, i mean yeah we hookup but you're not just another girl"
"i better not be, im charlotte chambers"
"that...you...are" he says between kissing me.

"why can't we ever sleep in your room? we're always dodging my roommates. plus your bed is bigger and you have a bathroom connected."
"uuuhhhh how about tonight? i can try to get carson out." he offers
"can we do next weekend? it's already been two nights in a row and things have been a little too calm, can't risk it with three"
"you're right" we both laugh.
i lay back town facing him, his hand rests on my hip while mind are on his face, holding him close to me.

"you should go soon" i whisper and he nods, he moved forward closing the gap between out bodies.
"i'll see you later okay?" he kisses me quickly before scorching to the end of my bed and jumping off.
i rub my hands over my eyes wondering how this has been a re accruing thing.
soon enough i hear the door open and close, i just pray no one saw him.

i texted taylor and said she was good to come back but i ended up falling asleep for a few more minutes.
after i had showered and gotten dressed for the day, i met taylor in toris room which also included katelyn and kelly sitting with them.
"hey you" tori says, we haven't talked since breakfast yesterday which was totally my fault and im an awful friend for it.
"hey tor, im sorry about yesterday" i tell her walking over to the four girls
"we're good char, i promise." i sit with the two of them listening in on conversations, tori and tay we're talking about math and shopping, katelyn and kelly were talking about guys and i was sitting there, listening.

"ace has been so distracted lately, we haven't fucked in like four days. do you think he's seeing someone else?" katelyn asks kelly
"definitely not, didnt you guys just have the talk about becoming serious."
"i mean he brought it up b-"
"wait what? he asked you to be serious with him?" tori asks.
"it was talked about, we didn't get far with the conversation."
how are you gonna ask one girl to be serious then go fuck another? i almost laugh out loud.

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