t w e n t y s e v e n: you

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my stuff was finally packed, it was the last week of this semester and lucky for me, we didn't do midterms. just really, really hard finals. alex has left two days ago, she planned her schedule well enough to not have classes on thursdays or fridays. taylor had left this morning, bright and early. hence why i was packed by nine am.
i called ace to wake him up, we needed to say goodbye before we were gonna be apart for a few weeks.
he said he would be over in a few, i give it an hour or two knowing him.

tori was leaving this afternoon, around the same time as me so we were gonna get lunch. most of the guys were gone too.
to my surprise there was a knock at my door. i swing the door open.
"you're earl-"
"hey you" clay was standing at my door.
my lips were parted and confusion was written all over my face.
"uh, clay. you're here, what are you- what are you doing here?"
"at a dinner the other night, your parents mentioned you were coming home. i figured i would provide you with transportation. i had to come to lyon for a meeting with my father anyway. he flew home yesterday."
"you had no right to do that, i told you to stay away from me and i meant it."
he sighs and we stand in silence for a few seconds.

"you need to go, i have plans today, things that you weren't invited to." i tell him.
"char, one day. i'm not the same person i was when we were fifteen. you barely gave me a chance at the gala before your personal security guard too-"
"ace. clay, he has a name."
"yeah whatever, i don't see him hear now, no harm in seeing an old friend"
"ten minutes." i tell him and open my door wider for him to come in. he looks around the room and sits at my desk chair while i sit on my bed, which i have since lowered so i could pack on it.

"so, it's been a while, and now that we have time to talk, tell me about everything" he says
"not much. i go to class on the weekdays and out on the weekends."
"i hope there's no boyfriend im intruding on, but then again, we are just friends catching up, right?"
"no clay, no boyfriend."
"so ace did end up screwing you over hm?"
is yay silent and look down at my nails, which desperately needed to be done.
"well, i'm doing great, helping my father with his business thank you for asking, polite as ever i see"
"well i thought it was obvious i don't want you in here"
he sighs once again, i want going to give him the satisfaction of getting under my skin.

"how about something to eat? on me of course" he flashes a smile.
"all set, i lost my appetite about four minutes again" i tell him
there's another knock at the door.
"expecting someone?" he asks
"oh god" wouldn't this just be great timing for ace to show up.
i open the door slightly to get a look at the person who is in fact ace. i squeeze through the tiny gap i created and close the door behind me.

"got a surprise in there or something" ace asks.
"something like that, look before we go in just know i was completely unaware this was going to happen"
his eyes widen and he looks me up and down.
"are you p-"
"no ace! jesus christ."
"a man can onto think so much when a woman says something like that. so what is it?"
"clay is here"

his eyes widen again, maybe i should have just said i was pregnant.
"clay, from new york clay? as in the guy who made you miserable for years? that clay?"
"yes, i would have texted you but he's just been talking an-"
he moves past me quickly and opens the door i walk in behind him and already the reason just got so much higher.

"ace becker, always a pleasure." clay says.
"can't say the same clay." aces jaw was tight and his hands were in his pockets. this couldn't get worse.
"look ace, why don't you come back later? i'll text you"
"yeah like hell you're gonna be alone with him."
i cross my arms over my chest unaware of what to do. now i didn't even know how i was getting home.

"clay look, we had plans today so how about you go hop on your little jet and fly back to wherever you came from." ace says
"first of all, it's not little, second of all. i have already told charlotte i would provide her with transportation home. im heading to new york anyway."
ace glares at me, obviously assuming i had agreed to this, when in fact i have not.

"alright, this is ridiculous. clay i'm not flying home with you, and ace, clay is here im sorry but there's nothing you can do about it now. now im starving and if i don't get food in me, we'll actually you've both experienced me as a hangry woman. so let's go. play nice." i pick up a sweatshirt off of my desk, which happened to be aces and put it on. it was just the school we went to freshman and sophomore year but it said men's lacrosse on the sleeve.

i text tori and tell her to meet me out front asap. she mentioned she was gonna go to the gym so if i wanted we wanted to get breakfast to let her know. i lead the boys out and surprisingly there's no bickering so far. one thing about both of them is they could go on for days, they're both very petty people who will not stop until they win.
"hey! happy last day" tori flashes me a smile then looks at ace then clay.  "who's that" she asks.
"someone not worth meeting" ace chimes in.
ignoring him, clay steps forward holding out his hand "clay, and you are?" he asks "tori, ace and charlottes friend" she gives me a strange look before i start walking off. i was starving.
ace caught up to me, i looked back and tori was talking with clay but looked severely uninterested in whatever he was saying.
"char i can force him to leave, you don't need this the day  you go home." ace tells me.
"i'm fine, really. my jet is gonna be ready in a few hours, ill make him leave before then so that you and i can so goodbye?" i ask him
"i would like that." he flashes me a smile, something he was starting to do more and more.

we get to a small restaurant that's on campus and we're sat at a table. tori texted carson to meet us there thank god.
"so, what's the story here?" tori asks
"charlotte and i dated for a couple years back in high school, but we still like to stay in touch."
"no clay, you like to stay in touch." i tell him making ace laugh from across me.
"a couple years huh? what was she like in highschool, only things i've heard from ace were that she was annoying and all that so i never hear about story's" carson asks
"a fifteen year old charlotte is definitely not someone to be messed with. i was lucky enough to be by her side unlike ace who always wanted what i had, and unfortunately this included charlotte. explains the bitterness"
"oh you have no idea" ace turns to clay who was sitting next to him.

"ace" i warn him. clay doesnt exactly know that i had lost my virginity to ace. he always assumed it was him, same with almost all of our friends.
"what do i have no idea about?" clay asks
"nothing" i tell him
"this timeline isn't making much since, i thought at fifteen yo-" carson questions.
"hi guys my name is julie ill be helping you out today! can i get you guys some drinks?"
we each get a water and she walks away.

"what's wrong with the timeline?" clay asks.
"nothing" i tell him again.
"i think you should tell him, it's been three years" ace says. clearly getting the satisfaction of knowing how this will make clay feel, but not thinking about how i feel.
"tell me what?"
i look at tori and she shrugs.
"clay we were really on and off i our whole relationship, one week we were together and the next we werent" i say
"okay, so what happened"
"i had sex with someone, when we were off" i tell him

"before or after we did"
"clay" i sigh not wanting to answer that.
"you let me think that we where eachother firsts? and didn't have the dignity to tell me when we got back together that you fucked someone else?"
i look at ace and he has a straight face, he likes that this was tearing clay apart.
"i mean you never asked" i try to defend myself
"who was it, do i know them?" he asks
"you sure do" ace says from beside him with a grin from ear to ear.
"it was you, huh? how good did that make you feel? to know that when she was done with you she came back to me?"
"and who does she spend every day with now? you were a phase clay." ace quickly shuts him down.

we order sandwiches, the conversation was kept very minimal as it should have been. this is probably in the top ten worst days of my life.


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