U.A brats.

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I tie my hair up into a high ponytail before I walk into the bar area, I sit myself on top of the bar counter.
"Here" shigiraki says as he shoves a villain costume in my arms "Thanks boss" I hop off the bar counter and quickly go to our shared room, I replace my normal clothes to the villain costume.

"Here" shigiraki says as he shoves a villain costume in my arms "Thanks boss" I hop off the bar counter and quickly go to our shared room, I replace my normal clothes to the villain costume

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I smile slightly as I check myself out "wow.. I didn't think this would actually look good, guess he's got some style" I mutter, I walk back into the bar, everyone else was ready I glance at shigiraki he had his signature hoodie on with his hands attached to his body, I look away from him quickly when he looks at me.
I hold shigiraki's hand as we walk out kurogiri's portal, it's not always that he lets me hold his hand but for some reason today he wants me to hold his hand, as we watch our league members go up against Eraserhead, kurogiri had teleported some of the u.a kids around the usj, I glance at shigiraki "What do you need me for?" I ask him and he looks down at me as he simply replies "I need your quirks.." I nod and let go of his hand, I look at the heroes "All Might isn't here Tomura.." shigiraki grumbles something but I don't understand anything he says, we just stand there watching the chaos and havoc unravel until he grabs a kid by the head but his quirk doesn't work, I look at the culprit himself Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead he's erasing shigiraki's quirk while being beaten up by Our nomu, I look back at shigiraki who gets hit by some green haired kid "Damn it" I mutter and I run towards his side, I activate one of my quirks forcefield shielding shigiraki from the kids attacks. "This is going to be a long day..." I shake my head clearing my thoughts I keep my eye on the green haired kid who's now fighting the nomu, I glance at shigiraki and deactivate my quirk the forcefield disappears.
Close to being defeated by the 'symbol of peace' we retreat back to kurogiri's portal, I help shigiraki up who had been shot by pro hero snipe. "That was too close Tomura" I hold him close as I drag him through the portal, he grunts and grumbles "shut up" in response, I roll my eyes and place him down on the bar seat "just stay still" I activate my healing quirk as I hold his face gently his wounds slowly heal up.

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