The loud blonde brat.

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I analyse the information on the kid Shigiraki wants us to take in for the league. Katsuki Bakugo, age 16, Quirk Explosions, Personality is Violently aggressive. I look up at Shigiraki and I ask "You seriously want us to get some U.A brat?" He nods "He'll be a great asset to our league don't you agree Rina?" I narrow my eyes as I look down at the other kids he wants us to take "Izuku Midoriya too?" I mutter.
After Shigiraki had advised the plan on retrieving the U.A brats I was set by myself while shigiraki got to sit on his ass back at base. I didn't like being apart from him but if it's to make his dreams possible then I'll have to make do and live with it.... I keep hidden watching as the hero students run around the forest aimlessly, I was looking for one person in particular which was The explosive target. From what we gathered from watching the sports festival he was not only explosive but he was aggressive and violent exactly what we wanted in the league, I quietly move through the forest blending in just fine. "Pst Rina" a voice calls out I turn around and I see that it's Dabi "What do you want Dabi?" I whisper as I walk towards him "Wanna see something cool?" Before I can answer him he shows off his Quirk by setting the forest on fire "Yea amazing light show dumbass." I roll my eyes and walk away from him "Hey wait up!" "I work alone patchwork" "Not unless it's Shigiraki." I shoot him an annoyed look before looking ahead of us "Just stay out of my way Dabi.." I grumble. I didn't like Dabi no I despised him I wanted him dead but I wasn't about to go against Shigiraki's orders which was not to harm the burnt jack-o'-lantern idiot.
"Jee what's got your panties in a twist?" I scoff at his idiotic question he knew how much I didn't like him or his existence and yet he loves to pester me. "It's nothing I just want to get this job over and done with." "I think it's because of how many times I've insulted your boyfriend" I freeze at the word boyfriend I glare at him "Tomura is not my boyfriend, me and him are only friends, we're colleagues...We are not together" "You sure? because from everyone else's point of view you two always hate being apart, you both are pretty touchy but only to eachother oh and not to mention how pissed off and protective you both get over the other, so I think there's some sort of feelings in your so called friendship" I keep quiet and just follow besides him he was right about the whole ideal of me and shigiraki being rather protective, possessive and touchy towards eachother but to think about it I'll never act on my feelings... Not yet anyways. I stop walking when Mr compress and Dabi start going after the loud blonde brat, I follow after them easily catching up to them to see that Dabi had Bakugo by the throat "Not bad staples" I comment as I walk to his side, he grunts and grumbles "Don't call me that" I ignore him and text kurogiri our exact coordinates. I look up just in time to see the green haired nerd himself Izuku Midoriya going to grab Bakugo but he's too late when the portal closes.

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