Chapter 9

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#Muzi Mthethwa#

I couldn't sleep thinking how do I approach this when I get there, I'm a respected man how will people say when this come out maybe I should just leave it, carry on with my life like I know nothing. Ziningi kabi izingane ezikhula ngaphandle kwabazali bobabili, Ey kodwa umah would be so disappointed and kudala efuna umzukulu, I also want a child but is this all worth it or I should just try to talk to my wife in to giving me a child.
Ya maybe I should try to change her mind I won't have to ruin my reputation.


Finally this is my last month and is it weird that I'm excited, I mean at first I wasn't happy but the thought of him arriving anytime from now excite me, angphathi ugogo ay lengane it like he was planned and everything nje just got in to place, I've bought everything I will need even though ugogo tried to stop me saying I should wait for him to be born first but I couldn't I ended up hiding some of the things from her.

Umtanami will be loved shame I can see. Mahle has became a best friend I could ever ask for, and Sakhile is still the best abanye laba abathengela umtanami izinto eziningi angisanaso ne space ekamereni but as soon as he arrives I will move some in my grandma's room.

I'm getting ready to go to work, uSakhile has been telling me to take a maternity leave but I'll take it after the baby arrived I feel like I'll be antious if I stay at home it better I work, I'll stop before the day the doctor gave me arrive.

I have just started working I'm a bit early today, ubuthongo buyaziphelela these days angazi noma uvalo or ukujaha but nje ngiyaqwasha.
Mr Sokhulu : " aibo kwenzenjani kufika wena kqala"
Me : " ngisheshe ngavuka today I decided to start work early"
Mr Sokhulu : wena nokusheshe uvuke?? Ngabe yonke into iryt awufuni ukuya ku doctor"
Me : "aibo kahle I drama ngryt Mina ubuthongo nje obuphelile nothing else, anyway your day is busy today" he exhale loudly, I just laugh at him UKhona umuntu okhathala zisuka nje
Mr Sokhulu : "ungahleki ngkhathele kabi nalolusuku elibukeka engath lizoba lide" shame
Me :" OK, manje ekseni you have a meeting with Miss Mazibuko"
Mr Sokhulu : "wee couldn't I have started with someone else ay" he says this frowning
Me : "yini unani kanti u Miss Mazibuko or you have history" i say laughing
Mr Sokhulu : "I wouldn't even call it that, ay unesdina loya muntu wesfazane" u just laugh at him indlela nje asho ngayo
Me : "ay sengijahe ukumbona, ngo 11 you have a meeting with Mr Mthethwa, hawu what happened that time he made an appointment and didn't show? Nabuye nabonana? "
Mr Sokhulu :" no asikaze sbonane selokhu sagcinana at his office, I wonder wayefunani coz it wasn't about business"
Me : "OK, after lunch you will be meeting with a staff after that it paper work for you"
Mr Sokhulu : "OK, how is it going searching for your replacement?"
Me : "please don't say it like that engathi angisabuyi uyangstress" he laughed at me so loud haibo this guy
Mr Sokhulu : "relax hawu no one will take your place ofica umsebenzi wakho usakhona" I have found someone to take my place I just hope she won't try to steal my job.

#Muzi Mthethwa#

I'm a coward I know, I just couldn't go through with it. I've been begging my wife for a child and she's not having it , I've decided to let her be, I mean she did tell me she doesn't want children and I married her anyway coz I love her. I didn't have a problem with it but the thought of me having a kid out there changed all that and now I can't do anything about it. Today I'm suppose to see her again if it were upto me I wouldn't go but it business.

I've just arrived for my meeting, I see her I wonder why is she still her because according to my counting this is her birth month.

Nandipha : "morning, Mr Mthethwa, my boss is waiting for you inside" she says smiling she's such a beautiful lady
Me : "Hi, miss Good to see you again" I say going to Sokhulu's office
Sokhulu : "aw ndoda kuhamba kahle?"
Me : "kunjalo mf2 akusizi uku complain" the meeting goes on for an hour, we've just finished
Sokhulu : "our partnership is going  well I'll see you on our next meeting nyambose"
Me : "kunjalo ndoda izobonana" when I'm about to go out I ask
Me : cay ndoda your PA looks like she's about to have that baby anytime shouldn't she be resting" don't blame me I'm fishing I hope he won't dig deep to this
Sokhulu : "ay nyambose I've been telling her she says she'll rest after her son has arrived so I just let her be" at the mention of her son my heart just beat out of my chest
Me : "oh uhmm...uhmm...clearing my throat" no words could come out so I just go without looking back, I don't know why I asked now I know for sure I won't be able to live with my decision, I have to tell someone about this and I know just a person.

I just pull up outside home, yes I'm going to talk to my mother she'll know what to do. At time like this I wish me and my brothers were close I should be telling them these things, I'm closer to my mother 
Me : "qo... Qo Mah!" I wonder uphi coz she's not in the kitchen or engadini yakhe, I find her sleeping in her room that's so unlike her
Me : "Mah uright why ulele?
Mother :" Ay akulutho e serious mtanami, ngiqalwa umkhuhlane nje"
Me : "aibo mah kmele uye ka doctor phela wena you the strongest person I know masulele phansi kshuth this is serious" .
Mother : "aibo kahle wena ngzophuza I mithi ngizoba right, ubekwa yin la ngaleskhathi nokwenza" I'm starting to doubt should I tell her
Me :" ay lutho mah I'll tell you some other time ngoba awuphilile"
Mother : "ay ungangdini wena bungeke uze Lana in the middle of the day if it wasn't important khuluma" I just know she won't let this go, so I start telling her everything up until today. When I tell my mother something I make sure I don't leave anything out
Me : "Mah say something" she's looking at me not saying anything but I can see in her eyes she's furious
Mother :" kodwa Muzikayise, how can you be so stupid?, how can you cheat on your wife and make a baby on top of that? Then you decide to abandon that baby because of your reputation, ay angkaze ngisbone isilima sendoda endala kangaka, manje awusho ukube awuzange uzwe ukuth umfana ingane bewuzothula nje ungasho lutho wazi ukuth unegazi lakho elikhulayo ngaphandle? " sengyazisola nokuth ngisho leni ngendlela asedinwe ngayo
Me :" Mah ngyabona ukuth ngibhedile, njengoba ngize kuwena ngizama ukulungise ngbonile I can't do this alone, mah UYazi ngimthanda kanjan unkoaikazi wami this will kill her angaz ngenzenjani please mama uzothetha later okwamanje ngisize" I say defeated I've disappointed my mother
Mother : "kodwa Muzi UYazi ukuth izingane zalaykhaya azihlali ngaphandle buthi kuzokwenzekalani ngalomtwana ngoba phela if engabikiwe bezogula aze ashone, ay I have to call I family angazi Mina ngzoythini lento u selfish wena Muzi" .
Me: "Ngyaxolisa Mama"
Mother : "ay ayikho into oyxolisayo this is serious mann, engingakusho nje ukuth hamba uyotshela u Makoti iqiniso before ezwe kwi family meeting, ngeke kube kuhle and try to fix your marriage, angazi kuzokwenzekalani ngalomtwana wabantu osumzalisile" . Wee ngizomqalelwa ubani nje u Amanda hlampe kuncono azizwele kwi meeting, angazi ngampela ngzokwenzanjan
Me : "Mah ngcela ungitshelela yena hlampe wena uzochaza kancono" ihlo nje angbuke ngalo
Mother : "ungangidakelwa Mina, angizalanga isiyoyoyo sendoda esisaba umfazi wakwazi engan ukumithisa ngaphandle handle your wife ke ungangfaki Mina usungfake kwanele" eish u Amanda nje akuyena umuntu okwazi  ukukhuluma kahle naye, she blows everything out of proportion.  Ngaze ngaziyala
Me : "kulungile mah ngyabonga sengozwa ngawe mayelana ne meeting" I just go out for a drive angsabuyeli nje emsebenzini ayikho nento esengingaysebenza I stress.

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