Chapter 16

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I'm back to work and it has been good it like I never left even though sometimes I miss my son, I wish I could just go home to him.
Tomorrow we meeting with Muzi and his mother I wonder usefunani manje bengithi siqedile Mina. On the other news uMr Sokhulu has asked to come ezongikhokhela ugogo uvumile wathi nje kodwa they shouldn't expect me to change my surname I'm all she has, if it was upto me this whole thing nje wouldn't be happening I was  happy with just granny as my family now I'll have to learn to call someone father ay.

It after lunch here at work I'm catching up
Me : "Sir, don't forget those papers that you are suppose to sign kumele ahambe ngo 1"
Sakhile : "you do know kumele uyeke lento ka sir expecially now that you are my sister"
Me :" Sisemsebenzini nje I have to show respect" I say laughing akayfuni ngampela Le ka sir
Sakhile :" ay awkahle Nandi, anyway ifunani leya moron manje ngizwe ubaba ethi bacele I meeting ksasa" ay ugogo no Mr Sokhulu ngathi sebephenduke abangani baxoxelana yonke into
Me : "kodwa uthini umawakho about this whole thing, yaz no gogo ngathi usexoxa yonke into ku babawakho"
Sakhile : "what do you mean ubaba wami Nandi? AKuyena yin owakho nawe"
Me : "uyena Bhuti ukuthola nje I'm not used to this change futh it'll take a while for it to stick that I have a father" I can see akaythandanga Le yokuthi ubaba wakhe
Sakhile : "umah seems OK with this whole thing angazi ubaba utheni kuyena, nami ngzofika nje no baba ksasa ngfuna ukuzwa kahle ukuth yin inkinga manje"
Me : "please it'll be better with you there, plus u Hero misses his favorite uncle"
Sakhile : "you mean his only uncle"
Me :" let me get back to work bro" ay I smile mengizwa ngisho njalo

Later that day before going home I had to pass e mall to buy few things for tomorrow, it a good thing Mahle agreed to come and help.
When I got home I found granny watching TV I guess Qhawe is sleeping since ngamuboni.
Me : "sawubona gogo, nihlale kanjan today"
Granny : "Yebo mtanami, UYazi nje sizihlalela kahle no Qhawe siyazwana futh ulele nje manje"
Me : "awu kodwa walala ngakafiki I missed him"
Granny : "ube late today"
Me : "yea ngiqale ezitolo, kodwa kuncono angiyindawo ksasa Ey pho uyavuka yin, uphekeni Ey I'm so hungry"
Granny : "uhlezi uzilambele wena mtanami, hambo phaka obonakhona kuth ngphekeni" umesho kanje usuke epheke kamnandike athi ngyodla nje ngogeza late
Me : "OK, gogo kodwa u sure you can still handle everything on your own angifuni ugqilazeke"
Granny : "khululeka, masekhukhona okuyinkinga ngokutshela" mangifika ekishini, I wash my hands mangibheka ebhodweni she cooked savory rice and grilled chicken ne green salad haibo ukhiphe ubhozo lomuntu, who knew that sokasidle kanje kungonakele lutho, I really thank God ukuth I was able to find work and for Thandi to think of me, now I can even go back to school to further my studies next year nje I'll have to apply I will study online though, so I can work and study.
When I finished eating I went to my room ngageza ngangena ezingubeni.

In the morning sivuswe u Amahle
Me : "ekseni kanje kodwa"
Mahle : "kahle sis Kade kusile"
Me : I'm so tired lapho no Qhawe besaziphethe kahle kodwa Kade evukile kshuth akalambile today, anyway uryt umngani? "
Mahle :" ngryt oe, awuvuke khona sokwenza I breakfast I'm hungry Mina phela Kade ngavuka" I woke up and cleaned my room after that ngageza mangifika kitchen sebeyadla
Me : "seniyadla njalo"
Granny : bengeke silinde wena ungaqedi nakhu ukudla kwakho lapha, no Qhawe usedlile u Amahle umfunzile.
Me : "thank you" while eating u Sakhile and his Father bafika we offered breakfast but bathi sebedlile, after a while kwafika u Muzi no Mawakhe,
Mamlaba : "sanibona ekhaya"
US : "yebo"
Mamlaba : "syaxolisa ukuvele sifike nje Kodwa undodana kunento afisa ukuyiso"
Muzi : "ngiyazi angenzanga kahle Kade sigcina ukubonana, ngicela ukuxolisa ngalokho, I'd like to also apologize for choosing someone else over my son to the point that I almost lost him, but I've come to my senses I can now see I was wrong and I'm asking for forgiveness and a chance to start over and be in my sons life"
Granny : "siyakuzwa kodwa what changed because from what Nandi told me unkosikazi wakho be ngezwa mshini akayfuni lengane"
Muzi : "Gogo I can promise you unkosikazi wami ngeke asaba inkinga I've dealt with her, I can be in Qhawe's life full time whenever he needs me" we'll I didn't expect that but I'm kinda happy he's willing to have a relationship with my son, I would never deprive him of that chance.
Me : lento owayenza yayingekho ryt but I'm willing to give you a chance, kodwa as soon as I see kuth you toxic in my son's life I will stop you from seeing him. I love my son but I will do anything to see him happy that's why I'm giving you this chance.
Muzi : "ngyabonga kakhulu you won't regret it" I really hope I'm doing the right thing.

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