Chapter 6: "She- betrayed me.."

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'She is not realizing it..'

"She will-"



"But we should send "him" a message"


'Like i said-'

'I trust you Nathalie'

She said with a smile as Nathalie smiled back at her


Gabriel walked out of the room up to his office

To activate his ultimate plan to finally defeat those heroes..

He got into his laire as he transformed

"Noroo, dark wings rise!"

A dark purple light appeared around him

He called Surigi-San again as she spoke to him

'What happened Gabriel-San?'

Gabriel shrugged as he amswered

"Nathalie threathened me with-"


'She did what!?'

"Yea, it's nothing."

'What did you do to stop her?'

Gabriel hesitated as he spoke

"I- knocked the bow out of her hands and-"

'And what?'

"She fainted."

'Is she alright?'


'Why don't you help her? We can activate our plan later-'

Gabriel didn't expect all of this from Surigi-San..



'What about Nathalie?'

"She'll be fine-"

Gabriel shook of the feeling of Nathalie being on her death bed as they activate their plan.



"I don't care about her anymore"


"Betrayed me."



"You betrayed-"


Gabriel woke up as he looked around him

He saw Nathalie peacefully sleeping on the hospital bed

Hearing her soft breaths and little snores

Made his heart flutter..



'Your doing this for Emily.'




Gabriel saw Nathalie sit up in her bed rubbing her eyes and yawning







"Are you alright?"

Nathalie said looking at him with her-

Beautiful ocean eyes

Long beautiful haire

And soft pink lips

'Yes, im fine.'

"Are you sure?"

'Yes, but i should actually ask you that question'

He said slowly walking up to her

"Im- doing better"

Gabriel looked into her eyes and knew-

That she wasn't pretending it

This time

He cupped her cheeck and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead

Which made Nathlie's heart




'That's the only thing i would want to hear from you"

He said with a loving smile on his face

"But- did you have a- nightmare?"

Nathalie asked him, concern spread across her face

'No- (sighs) yes.'

Gabriel just couldn't lie to this women

"What was it about? If you don't mind me asking."

'I don't mind.'


'Actually, i don't know anymore.'

Nathalie imideatly thought of that nightmare that she had a dag ago

She couldn't remember that one eather..

Was it a-



Or maybe she was just imagining things..


"I used the peaucouck miraculous when it was still damaged and-" (coughs)

"Soon i will"

(Coughs twice more)

Stop Monarch at all costs.

That's what-


Would have wanned.


"Hopefully she will remember that dream"


-Will Nathalie finally rember her dream?

-Why did Gabriel get this sign?


Find out yourself.

In the next chapter..

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