Chapter 26: "Loving eachoter.."

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Nathalie was sobbing on the ground In her bedroom

Gabriel came in a few moments later

Kneeling down next to her

'My love-'

'What's going on?'

She couldn't answer him

Just. Kept. Sobbing


Gabriel lifted her up as he put her in bed

The food was on her nightstand

He then also joined her

Rapping his loving arms around her

Never wanting to let go.

Nathalie calmed down, feeling him next to her

Feeling his love, and protective arms around her

'It's going to be okay-'

'I promise- my Nathalie'

'I'll always be here for you.'

'I'll never let go.'


As if he could read her

What her heart needs the most

What she needs to hear

The most.


They stayed like that

What seemed like forever

Holding on to eachoter

For dear life.

Wanting to protect eachoter

Be there for eachoter

Because they love and-

Care about eachoter.


'For some reason.'

'Thanks to Nathalie-'

'Gabriel accepted the way he was.'

'How he felt about her and-'


'The night that they layed in eachoters arms-'

'For the first time.'

'He felt that warm feeling again-'

'The one he only felt with Emily'

'And now stronger then ever with Nathalie.'

'That warm feeling of love.'

'Thanks to her he realised-'

'That he should let go of his wife.'

'That he shouldn't live in the past anymore-'

'That he should concentrate himself on what he has.'

'On what he could have.'

'On what matters.'

'That's the most important thing'

'In life.'


'He finally felt'

'Love again'

'Like he used to'

'The hole in his heart is finally-'

'Filled up♡'




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