In the endless dream

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Third Person POV:

It has almost been three months since you have talked to her. One day, as she walked down the hall of the Parlor car, she was thinking. 

Well, now I can finally enjoy spending some time before  we move onto the next adventure. She thought as she approached her room. You were sitting there, looking at your phone. She awkwardly sits down next to you.

"So, ummm..."

"Thinking of a way to start?"

"Yeah. But, [Y/ N], I have good news. We're almost arriving  soon!"

"Wait, really?" 

Time skip cuz I just finished a book and I'm lazy

As you put on a thick cloak, the train landed right before a building. It looked like a clock in the middle of a brown platform. As you got inside, you went to rent a room. As you walked inside the building, you approach a blonde lady in front of the desk.

"Hello, I would like to book a room." You explain to the cashier.

"I'm sorry, but most of the remaining rooms that are left have all been booked." She says.

"It's okay, I would like this girl to share a room with me." A voice announces.

As you look back, you see a young teenager smiling at the cashier. She had white hair, blue to pink eyes, and a warm smile. She looks at you, and the corners of her mouth widen. 

"O-oh! It's ok! Thank you for you offer but---"

"Is the transmission done, miss?" She interrupts you to talk to the cashier.

"Yes, miss, thank you for visiting Penacony! Safe travels!" The cashier says to you and the girl.

"Shall we go to the dreamscape now?" She asks. 

As you two walk together, you start to talk to her.

"Why would you want to help me? I don't even know your name, neither do you know mine..."

"That might be true...but something in my heart says that I can trust you." The girl looks at you, scanning you up and down. "So, what's your name?"

"[Y/ N]..." You manage to mutter. You've never been more embarrassed to tell your name to a stranger.

"My name is Firefly. Nice to meet you!" She warmly says. You two reach her room. It's really cozy. A bathtub in front of numerous TV's. On the sides of the rooms, comfortable sofas stood.

"Is this your first time here?" She asks.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. I was supposed to go here for an inter-galactic expedition." The hobbit of lying had never come more in use than this time.

"Oh! That's so nice you are visiting this world!" She exclaims. She suddenly takes your hand. 

"Would you like to visit the dreamscape?" She looks at you with her 'innocent' eyes. 

"Yes, why not?" You say.

You sit down at the middle, and relax your whole body. Firefly is still holding onto you. The next second, you're falling down the sky. You scream in terror, and brace yourself. But you hear Firefly's giggling. You look at her. She's opened her arms and is laughing so hard. You decide to look around. You see numerous buildings, cars, people and billboards from above. As you hit the ground though, only a soft thud is heard. 

"Oh dear! You look as if it is your first time in the dreamscape." A melodic voice says from behind you. As you stand up and help Firefly, who is still chuckling, you turn around and a soft gasp escapes from your lips. 

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