Inner demons by Julia Brennan

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~ (This story was inspired by my kitten who attacks me as I'm trying to sleep!
But Percy the cat is no where near as bad!!
Also I gave the Cocoa Puffs names
Here's the list!
Grief- Peter
Sadness- Nickel
Jealousy- Olivia
Isolation - Cookie
Shame- Binks
Rage- Anakin

Also shout out to my sister and Natsu who helped me come up with the names!!) ~

~ Nico ~

"I'll be fine Will." Nico said as he started heading to his cabin.

It was the first day of summer so there's no more just us! Everyone has come back so that means Nico has to move back into his own cabin. To say Will was worried would be an understatement.

They had stayed up late the night before to enjoy the quiet for the last night for a while.

"Are you sure? Because if you pass out during training again, I will tie you down in the infirmary for a week." Will threatened.

"I'm going to bed right now, mom!" Nico said with a roll of his eyes.

Will was always like this. Not that Nico minded someone caring this much about him but he just wasn't used to it.

"I'll see you in the morning. Please get some sleep." Will said.

"Good night, Will." Nico said.

"Good night, Neeks." Will said then walked back to his cabin.

Nico went into his cabin, got ready for bed, then laid back and started the process of sleep.

That was intel, Memories of the jar flash through his mind.

Nico gasped for air. He knows that he doesn't need to. He knows he isn't in a jar but his body seems to not be paying attention.

Once he got his breathing back under control he said, "Cookie, this is not the time."

Cookie just stared at him with its only eye.

"Come on, just lay down. I need sleep and I'm pretty sure you do too." he said.

Cookie blinked, then presided to scratch him. "HEY! Stop that."

Thankfully, Olivia attacked Cookie knocking them both to the ground.

Nico sighed in relief. "Thanks Oli!"

Olivia took that as an invitation to get up on him.

"No Olivia please get down. I can't deal with the agony tonight." Nico said.

Olivia paid no heed and climbed on him.

Flashes of Will with his siblings, Percy and Tyson, Annabeth and her siblings. "Olivia please get down."

The flashes continued. Images of Hazel and Frank sneaking out to look at the stars together, Percy having his shit together, Bian-Nico shadow traveled to the other side of the room.

Where apparently Peter was. Flashes of Bianca, his mom, Jas-"STOP! PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Nico sat there crying until Peter left.

He was then ambushed by Judy.

"Judy .... Please, it's no time to play." Judy, like the others, was paying him no attention and started to attack him.

Flashes of Will in Tartarus, yelling at Percy, letting Octavian die.

This time Nico didn't fight it. He stayed on the ground watching flashback after flashback.

Until Judy got off ten minutes later.

Nico shivered. The flashbacks aren't helping him get rest.

He got up and headed back to bed.

Will would kill him if he didn't get any sleep.

He made it to his bed, only to be joined by Binks and Nickel who were attacking each other and running up and down.

So, the flashes were mixed, it went from Cupid to the lotus hotel, to Cupid again. And Jason.

"Stop fighting! Or go play somewhere else." Nico said.

That got their attention, unfortunately they took that to mean dogpile on dad.

"NO! Stop, please just stop." Nico was sobbing at this point. Not that anyone cared.

Flashes were too fast to even process. Until Anakin growled and everyone scattered.

"ANAKIN NO BACK UP!" Out of all the Coco puffs, Anakin was the only one that stayed in the cabin.

Let's just say that Nico preferred it that way.

Will and Nico barely have any secrets from each other. Anakin was one of those rare ones.

"Please don't do this! Not tonight. PLEASE!" Nico said as he backed into the corner.

Anakin was Bat-like in features; he even had the wings to prove it.

Nico backed himself into the wall, but Anakin didn't stop. They were tired of being ignored.

The flashes of Minos and Bryce Lawrence came. And Nico was unable to stop it.

~ Will ~

When Nico hadn't been at breakfast, he was worried. Technically, he was worried all night.

Nico doesn't do well when he's alone. And it was the first night he has been alone since tartarus. So, after breakfast (He only stayed because he was hoping Nico would join them and if he didn't, he was gonna need food) He headed to Nico's cabin.

He knocked, no answer.

"Nico?" Will called. Also, no answer.

With a sigh, Will opened the door.

Nico was on the floor, eyes clearly tired but wide opened.

The Cocoa puffs were all around him.

Will cursed under his breath, then dragged Nico away from them. He loved the little guys but come on.

"Nico?" Will said as he shook his boyfriend.

Nico blinked "Will?"

"Are you ok?" Will asked.

"I'm... I'm sorry..." Was all Nico said before he passed out.

~ Kayla and Austin ~

Nico was out for a whole day before Will had to leave his side.

So, Kayla and Austin had to take turns.

He woke up two days after that, looking and asking for Will.

They didn't want to be the ones to tell him that his boyfriend went to Texas.

But they had to, so they did.

Nico would've shadowed his way over there if he had the strength.

When Will returned, he was never the same.

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