Wait for it

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~ Ian ~

Ian had never spent more than one year at a school. Whether it be because his dad decided to move during the summer or him getting harassed to the point of police involvement or him getting expelled for stuff that got pinned on him because he was the quiet one.

If it were up to him, he would just do online school. But those cost money. Especially when you had a record like him. And his grandparents (who pay for his schooling) refused to let him.

So, here he was St. Albans. On his first day at school. Hoping for a good day. But when he found that he forgot his pill case ( Which had his ADHD medicine and his horehound) at home. So school would just suck.

At least one of his classmates wasn't a total jerk.

Will, who had sat with him on the bus, was super helpful and was nice when he didn't have to be.

'Maybe this year will be different.' Ian thought as he headed to his first class.

~ Nico ~

School was just like it had been when Nico was ten.

But except, no Bianca to protect him. Not an issue fortunately, not yet anyway.

But he had no classes with Will. Which sucked.

He was so relieved when the bell rang.

As soon as he got into the cafetera, he saw Will. Nico waved, Will waved back.

With Will confirmed to be alive, he got food and sat down next to him. Which was in a corner with no one else at the table.

"So, any luck?" Will asked.

"Nope, no monster attacks or any obvious Half bloods. You?" Nico said.

"N- HEY." Will said as he got lightly pushed over.

"What is a Half blood?" said the Italian girl from the bus.

"It's an American thing, you wouldn't get it." Will said, trying to avoid the conversation that would definitely make them sound insane.
It was a little weird though since Will isn't usually rude. But his mom did die recently and he hasn't been acting the same since so Nico gave it a pass.

"I'm American and I don't get it." A student said as he set his tray next to Nico's.

"Nico meet Ian, Ian, this is my boyfriend." Will said. Which made the Italian girl's eyes widened. Nico looked around making sure that no one was going to mock them. Nico was finally in a place where he wasn't concerned around the Camps. But in the normal world he's still worried something is gonna happen to Will. But thankfully no homophobes within ear shot.

"Nice to meet you." Nico said then looked at the girl, "I didn't get your name."

"It's Maddalena, but everyone calls me Lena." she said.

"In that case Will, meet Lena, Lena this is Will." Nico said.

"So, your name is Nico Di Angelo?" Lena asked.

"Umm yeah why?" Nico asked.

"Well I have this cousin that had a great great Aunt who went to America after World War II, and she had a son with that exact name." Lena said.

Nico's eyes widened. He had living relatives? Unfortunately, he couldn't really think about it because a table was thrown at them.

~ Maddalena ~

If she was told that she was going to have a table thrown at her, she wouldn't believe them. But here she is. Especially when it was a Teacher that threw it. The four of them got under the table before the other one hit them.

"NICO DI ANGELO!" The teacher yelled.

"Oh Hades." Nico whispered.

What the hell was going on?

"I was here to kill these two, but you and your sunshine boyfriend are a way better treat. You will pay for embarrassing me." The teacher said.

"What did you do to make him so mad?" Lena asked.

"Is that important at the moment? HE'S TRYING TO KILL US!" Ian said.

"We need to get out of here." Will said as he grabbed Ian's hand and started running.

Nico and Lena followed behind them.

~ Nico ~

Thorn. So typical.

Like he needed another reminder of what happened that winter.

Darting down the halls off the school, Lena, Will, Ian, and Nico were barely evading him.

"What is up with that guy?" Lena asked,while dodging a set of lockers that he knocked over.

"He is a Manticore." Nico said without even thinking about how weird that was.

"WAIT MANTICORES ARE REAL? Awesome." Ian said.

"No! Not awesome DEADLY." Will said.

They turned into a dead end. Luckily a dark dead end.

"Where are you gonna go little demigods?" Thorn asked with a wicked grin. As he slowed his pace to taunt them.

"Nico, you can't get us all out. It might kill you." Will stated.

"We have to try." Nico said as he grabbed Ian and Lena's hands.

Will didn't move. "Will please grab on."
"What are we even doing?" Lena asked.

Will sighed and grabbed on.

As Nico was two seconds from shadow traveling, Will let go.

~ Ian ~

They were at school one minute, and on a beach the next.

But Will wasn't there. And Nico looked like he was gonna pass out.

"Where are we?" Lena asked.

"Long Island." Nico said while trying to stay upright.

"You should rest." Ian said. "There's no way he followed us here right?"

Nico nodded. "Wait, where's Will?"

Ian looked around. No sign of him.

He did see some half goat people and tree people running up to them.

Then Nico screamed.

"What is it?" Lena asked.

"Will...he... he's..." "Nico what's wrong?" a man in a wheelchair asked as he was rolling his way to them.

"Will's dead." Nico said before passing out.

Ian shook his head. "I'm sure he's not. He just got left behind if we hurry we can-" "No, if Nico says he's dead. He is gone."

"How would he know?" Lena asked.

"Come, we have much to discuss. The Dryads will take Nico to the infirmary." The wheelchair guy said, as he led them up the hill.

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