Wheels on a bus By Melanie Martinez

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~ Nico ~

When he first heard of the possibility that there was a Demigod in St. Albans school, Washington DC, he volunteered himself and Will to get in there and see if they could get him out before something bad happened to him.

Admittedly he knew it wasn't the most logical thing to do. But he needed to do something. And so did Will.

It had been three months since that night. And Nico more than anyone understood that he needed someone to lean on at this time. But he also knew he was probably the worst person to do so. He was a constant reminder of death. He was also aware that staying at camp isn't helping Will either. So, he did this.

Will, as far as Nico could tell, wasn't too enthusiastic about the idea of going back to school after all this time but he ended up agreeing.

"Are you ready for another adventure?" Nico asked, giving Will one last chance to back out.

Will hesitated for a moment then said, "I am."

"Alright then." Was all Nico said in response.

They walked to the bus that will take them to St. Albans in total silence. It was nothing like how it used to be. Memories of walking around camp at sunset, holding hands, sometimes in comfortable silence and other times laughing at stupid jokes filled Nico's head. Apparently, they were followed. Longing! Nico and Will hadn't named her yet (bad puns are hard to come up with for longing ok give them a break)

Nico fell behind Will and whispered to her, "What are you doing here?"

Longing just looked at Nico like 'You summoned me here dude.'

Nico sighed then sent her on her way back to camp then tried to catch up to Will because it was reminding Nico of a myth. And really didn't want to spend time with his dad right now.

Walking side by side again Nico slowly reaches for Will's hand. Unfortunately, they made it to the bus stop before he could. The bus was there waiting for them. Also, they were at the end of the route so there were no seats that were next to each other, so they had to sit on opposite sides.

Nico sat next to some girl on her phone. He tried not listening in. but he realized that she wasn't speaking English like he had originally thought she would.

"But Mamma, I don't understand why I am here in this stupid school with these people who think Rome is in Greece." she said in Italian he realized. Nico didn't blame the girl for her frustration with this country. Nico had an argument with Percy about why you don't dye Spaghetti blue. Let's just say it wasn't pretty.

There was muttering on the phone then the girl said. "It's not my fault you fell in love with a man who's a psycho trying to kill me so now I have to stay with Zia." She said.

There was what sounded like yelling on the other line. The girl just hung up. Clearly this wasn't the first time this conversion happened.

"Are you ok?" Nico asked, surprising even himself.

The girl looked up at him and said in a heavy accented English, "Do I look ok?"

"No, apologies. I didn't mean to-" "Of course you didn't. You people never do." She said while cutting him off.

Now, a normal and reasonable person would just ignore her and move on. Nico was neither of these things.

"Look, I know

Nico relied in Italian. you don't want to be here. But I was just being nice."

The girl's eyes widened. "I'm... I'm sorry. My life is just a mess right now. I wasn't expecting an American to speak Italian."

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