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तुम्हें अपना बनाने का जुनून, सर पे है, कब से हैमुझे आदत बना लो इक बुरी, कहना ये तुमसे है

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तुम्हें अपना बनाने का जुनून, सर पे है, कब से है
मुझे आदत बना लो इक बुरी, कहना ये तुमसे है

तुम्हें अपना बनाने का जुनून, सर पे है, कब से हैमुझे आदत बना लो इक बुरी, कहना ये तुमसे है

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As I open my eyes it's as if all the five senses of my body awaken at the same time. The light shines too bright for my eyes, my head feels as if it's being split open, my whole body feels like it got run over by a truck and there's a shrill ringing voice in my ears for the sole reason of making me go deaf. Sitting up proves to be another hurdle as my body feels like it has given up on me.

Moments pass and I am finally able to make out my surroundings and take it all in as to where I am. An unfamiliar surrounding greets me which is accompanied by a full blown panic seeing myself in some stranger's bedroom resting atop their bed. The first thought that comes to my mind is getting away from before whoever has kept me here comes back.

I remove the sheet and put my feet down slowly on the wooden flooring so as not to make a noise when my gaze falls on my bare legs. What the fuck? It's at that moment I register that apparently I am not only in a stranger's bed in an unknown place but I am also wearing someone else's clothes. And looking at it, it looks like a man's clothes. Just what happened last night and even when I try remembering it only causes my headache to worsen. Where should I find my clothes? OMG why's this happening? Did I drink yesterday? But I don't think there was alcohol allowed on the campus. I can't even find my clothes neither my phone is here.

I am scared. Was I kidnapped or what? But this place seems too good to be like a kidnapper's den.Even before I could think of plan and escape I hear footsteps coming towards this room. What should I do? What should I do? There's nothing here which can be used as a weapon nor do I know how to fight. Should I pretend to continue sleeping but I would be so defenseless that way. God please keep me safe and sound. I am betting my all that he comes sees me sleeping and gets out, then I will buy sometime for myself. I know this seems so foolish but I have no other choice.

I get up on the bed and lie down, even my breathing and pretend to sleep as naturally as I can. The door opens and he comes inside. I can feel my heartbeat rising and I am trying very hard to keep calm. He comes and sits beside me and I feel him tuck my hairs behind my hairs. Is he going to do something while I am like this? Shit shit shit I can't let that happen. I feel a pillow beside my hand and mustering as much force as I can I rise up and try to hit him in the face.

𝐈𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐚: 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐚'𝐬 𝐉𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚Where stories live. Discover now