6. Rumors.

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Days had passed since Monty spent the night at my hotel. It wasn't planned, and I was sure if I didn't pass out, he probably would've left.

But he was thankful I didn't piss on him when I woke up, and he was snoring on the other side of the sofa.

Today was race day; again. Thankful this would be the last one of the season, and I would have the rest of winter to myself back at home.

After the dinner date with Monty, of course. The thought of seeing him in a tuxedo made me smile like a fool. If he won the race and didn't choose a fancy restaurant, I would never talk to him again, and that was final.

I had the morning and afternoon to get ready, so I took my time. When I woke up around 9 o'clock, I lay in bed for another hour before making myself an easy breakfast.

The next three hours, I spent picking out an outfit to wear for lunch, doing my makeup, and brushing out my hair. Surprisingly, finding decent heels was the most time-consuming part.

None of the ones I brought to the hotel fit properly or matched my bodycon dress. So I grabbed my Converse shoes and called it a day.

I picked out a black hand purse to bring along before heading to the parking lot and driving to a nearby lunch café.

I wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary while I ate a sandwich and strawberries, and that's what happened; for the most part.

Lots of tourists were here to see the final races, and it was obvious who was here for Nascar and who wasn't.

Well, how do you tell? By the first thing you see on someone; their shirts. So many young women were wearing Nascar jerseys of their favorite racer.

I bet you can't guess who that would be.

Either way, no one approached me but I noticed some people taking selfies and purposefully add me to their background.

Just as I took a second bite out of my vegetable wrap, I got a message from Monty.

He sent a picture in front of the bathroom mirror showing off his biceps and.. 6-pack? 'quick shower b4 the race. Wyd?'

I took a picture of my partially eaten wrap with my heels in the corner of the photo beneath the small table. 'chillin in a café. U have at least 5 fans here taking pics of me'

We texted back and forth for a while and I caught myself smiling at his messages multiple times. After half an hour of eating, I headed back to my Jeep outside.

By the time I entered my hotel again, it was 2:34 p.m. Early enough to feel the need to relax but late enough to try and be productive so I wouldn't feel rushed.

So, that's what I did. I put my hair up in a tight bun before adding a little bit of gel to keep my baby hairs flat and the fly aways tamed.

Puma and Lion noticed I was home and barged into my room, laying down on my bed. I opened the window, and they began to bask in the light.

Sitting down in front of my mirror, I propped against the wall, I fixed up my makeup to get ready for the race and put in my racing earrings.

The full-head masks and helmet hugged my ears so tight, some earrings bothered the side of my head. But I found some stud earrings to wear so the piercings wouldn't close during the four hour race.

While changing out my dress for the race undergarments, I got a text from my crew chief.

Can u be at the
track an hr early?

Yeah.. why?

You'll see.

What the fuck does he mean "you'll see"? Is the president showing up or something?

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