Day 7: Last Fight (Angst)

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(TW: Minimal violence, some heavy swearing, heavy angst. This one is longer than the rest but I had way too many ideas and motivation for this so I ended up writing a lot lol)

Both's POV

It was a Saturday night, and Vox and Alastor were at their favorite bar, having a few drinks to relax after a long week. Vox had been watching Alastor as he told stories about his kills- admiring the way he spoke, the way he was passionate about his work, his confidence, his looks, everything. Vox had been falling head over heels for Alastor, and he had decided that he was going to confess tonight.

Alastor finished talking, taking a sip of his whiskey before turning to Vox. "So, my friend. How's your company going? I've heard a lot of great things from others, but I'd like to hear it from you." He smiled, wanting to give Vox a turn to talk about his work.

Vox brightened at the opportunity to discuss his company. Immediately, he began talking about his success and ideas. He spoke of the obstacles, his goals, and how he had built a great staff team that got the work done within the time frames. He was very passionate about his work, and when giving the chance to talk about it, he took that chance with no hesitation.

Alastor simply sat there and listened, taking an occasional sip of his whiskey as he listened to Vox ramble on and on of his business. He was truly intrigued by Vox's confidence in his success, and that was something he was fond of. Vox's entire personality was confidence and perfectionism- just like himself, and that was something Alastor liked a lot about Vox.

Vox spent another 10 minutes rambling before finally finishing, going quiet as he downed the rest of his glass of whiskey and grinned more. "Sorry. I got carried away, didn't I?"

Alastor chuckled, raising his glass slightly then finishing it as well. "No, it's quite alright, dear. I enjoy hearing about your work." He took Vox's empty glass and slid it across the counter for the bartender to take and wash. He then stood up, grabbing his coat off of the stool beside him, and looking at Vox. "It's getting late, how about we continue this conversation back at home? We can open some of that fancy wine to continue our celebration."

Vox watched him, nodding quickly. "Yeah, sure. Of course! We wouldn't want to get drunk outside of home either." He stood up, grabbing his own coat and putting it on. He pulled out some cash and placed it on the counter, then followed Alastor out of the bar.

They began walking down the street in silence, side by side as they did. The cool night air stood still, the slight breeze feeling nice as they walked.

As they got closer to the apartment, Vox cleared his throat, wanting to confess now instead of waiting. He paused, gently grabbing Alastor's elbow to stop him as well, and looking at him. "Hey, Al? Can we talk for a minute?"

Alastor stopped as well, turning to look at Vox and chuckling. "Of course. What's on your mind?"

Vox stood in front of him, hesitating. His heart and mind both raced, and his breath caught in his throat as he looked at Alastor. It took him a moment, but finally he spoke up.

"I've been thinking about this for a while, Alastor. You're my closest friend, the one who's been here with me basically since day one. And I'm really glad to have met you." Vox began speaking, his voice shaking slightly as he hesitated, not knowing if this was the right idea or not.

Alastor felt a slight uneasy feeling rising in him. Part of him had a feeling he knew what this was going to be about, but another part of him was completely clueless. So he listened, hoping it wouldn't turn out to be a huge deal.

Vox paused, but then spoke up once again. "I like you, Al. I really like you. I have for a long time." Vox looked directly in Alastor's eyes, not looking away for even a moment. "Will you go out with me? Or at least consider a date?"

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