1. Washing Machine

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Lover sat in the kitchen watching Reputation make two cups of coffee.

"One cup of love for my Lover," Reputation gave the pink dressed woman a smile resigned just for her.

"Oh, you're too sweet," Lover graciously accepted her warm cup, sure to place a quick kiss on her lover's cheek.

"Only for you," Reputation sent a quick wink as she slipped into the seat next to her lover.

"Are we still in for our date tonight?" Lover looked at the woman dressed in black and gold.

"Yeah, I got 89 to agree on looking after Debut," Reputation replied proudly.

"Did you threaten her again?" Lover sighed, not missing the glint in her favourite blue eyes.


"How did you get her to agree after the last time?" The taller blonde challenged. 1989 had been slightly traumatised by the younger albums version of a game of cards.

"I got Mid to come over." Lover could see that same glint which made her sceptic, and she didn't try to hide it. "It was a harmless game of chicken," Reputation shrugged, and just then, the mentioned album came walking into the kitchen, still holding a bag of frozen peas to her arm.

"Is it normal to have no feeling in your arm?" Midnights didn't look at anyone specific as she rummaged through the cupboard for snacks.


"No." The brightly dressed album narrowed her eyes on the woman sitting next to her.

"Ti's okay, I also don't feel my toes," Midnights grabbed the bag of chips and held it out to see the flavour.

"What did you do?" Lover glared, a bit worried, but Reputation simply shook her head amused.

"The woman's had a smoke. She's just somehow never connected that every time she's high, she doesn't feel her toes," Reputation explained calmly to her anxious lover.

"When are you lovebirds leaving the nest?" Midnights questioned, pointing between the two.

"After our coffee," Reputation gestured.

"Alright, no curfew, but 89 usually clocks out around nine or two am. There is no in-between," Midnights had found the revelation about her lover rather amusing and slightly endearing for some reason.

"Thanks, mom," Reputation rolled her eyes only to get nudged and with a scolding glare.

"Speaking of, where is 89? I wanna ask her about the horse sized duck," The older album wandered out of the kitchen snack forgotten on the counter, her focus now on her lover.

"I'm excited for tonight," Lover grinned at her smiling lover.

"Hmm mmm, it's been a while since we had a proper date," Reputation nodded, remembering how they had been occupied with seemingly everyone but themselves.

"I can't wait till we get back," Lover moved her hand up her lover's arm into her shoulder.

"Is that so?" Reputation couldn't even fight her growing smirk.

"And I can't wait to have you all for myself," Fingers slipped into blonde curls as red lips grazed the skin of her lover's jaw. "Just us tangled in the sheets until morning," Reputation adjusted in her seat to look at Lover, who had that suggestive smile on her face.

"You know I hate it when you make me wait after you say things like that," Reputation pouted, but her firm hand gripping onto Lover's waist told her an entirely different story.

"Hey Lover?" Debut's voice made the two pull away and sit up in their own seats.

"Yes?" The smile aimed at the youngest album always so motherly.

"Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it's on?" The question was strange, and Reputation knew that even with context, it would probably make no sense.

However, Lover was already jumping to every conclusion there was. The split second of silence was broken when she finally spoke up.

"Where's 89?" Lover sat upright in her seat, ready to jump into action if it was needed. The question made Reputation smile amused.

Debut remained silent as she visibly thought of what to say. Lover slowly slid out of her seat and stood in front of the young, curly haired album.

"Not inside a washing machine," Debut offered her most innocent smile.

Before Lover could counter Midnights' voice came from the other room. "Evermore!" She was clearly panicked. "Why is 89 on your list!?" The sound of Midnights falling when her hands slipped from the handle of the washing machine was heard.

"She's only ever hurt men!" This time, it sounded clearer throughout the halls as she peeked her head into the hallway. "You monster!!" Her scolding faded out as she looked behind her at the washing machine.

"She isn't on my list!" Evermore called back from upstairs. Reputation had to hide her smile behind her hand, fighting off the laughter.

"I think I'm too high to stop this death machine!" Midnights called out just as panicked, if not more. This made Reputation start to laugh, which earned a glare and a slight shove from her lover.

"You, don't laugh," Lover pointed at Reputation, who cleared her throat, trying to fight off the giggling fit.

"And you," Lover turned to Debut, pointing at her. "You girls need to stop bullying 89." A slight defeated sigh. "She's gonna stop agreeing to look after you. She's still scarred by your strange card game."

Midnights was in an absolute crisis mode as she looked around the room, trying to find something to hit the machine with.

"Hold on 89!" A loud crash was heard, then another panicked out cry. "Fuck!"

Midnights stared at the broken chair, then back at the washing machine. "How are these machines legal?!"

"Lover!" The panicked cry made the colourfully dressed woman begin her backwards shuffle to the door.

"We are not done discussing this!" Lover scolded the youngest album.

"I'm on my way, Mid!" The taller blonde called as she rushed to help the older panicking album.

When her Lover was out the door, Reputation stopped holding her laugh and started to slowly make her way to the room Lover had run to as she tried to compose herself.

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