7. Folklore's Ache part 2

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Late one night, when the House of Albums was bathed in moonlight and everyone was presumably asleep, Folklore slipped quietly out of her room.

The soft, pastel hues and delicate floral patterns of her sanctuary were left behind as she moved through the dimly lit corridors. Her heart pounded with a mix of hope and anxiety as she approached a door that looked almost identical to hers but with a subtle, elusive difference.

It was Evermore's room, waiting for its occupant. She was excited seeing her sister's door take on colour. It meant she was one step closer to joining the House of Albums.

Folklore tried the handle, but it wouldn't budge. She jiggled it gently, then more insistently, but it remained firmly shut. Defeated, she sank to the floor next to the door, her back against the wall.

Unaware, her sister was on the other side parallel to her, impatient to get out and see her. Folklore could sense her sister, but she assumed it was because the rooms were made of their essence.

Drawing her knees to her chest, Folklore wrapped her arms around them and rested her head on her knees. She closed her eyes and imagined Evermores calm presence, the reassuring words she would whisper.

Just being near her sisters future room brought a semblance of comfort.

The hallway was silent except for the soft rustle of leaves outside the window. Folklore breathed deeply, allowing the familiar scents of autumn to soothe her troubled mind. She whispered quietly into the stillness, her words carried away by the night air.

"I miss you, Eve. Please come soon."

As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, the soft sound of footsteps approached. Folklore looked up to see RED, another album in the House, with an aesthetic that perfectly encapsulated autumn.

RED's room was adorned with rich, warm colors-burnt oranges, deep reds, golden yellows-cosy plaid blankets, and the scent of cinnamon and pumpkin spice flavoured coffee. However, her essence was the feeling of messiness caused by heartbreak, a whirlwind of emotions tangled together like fallen leaves in a gust of wind.

"Folklore?" RED asked, her voice gentle and filled with concern. "What are you doing out here?"

Folklore tried to muster a reassuring smile, but it faltered. "I... I was just hoping to feel close to Evermore. But the door wouldn't open, so I thought maybe just sitting here would help."

Folklore was glad she could talk about her sister without keeping it secret. And she was happy the other's seemed excited to meet her sister too. Lover had even marked a countdown on the calendar, which made Folklore feel less alone in counting the days until Evermore arrived.

RED's eyes softened with empathy as she sat down beside Folklore. "I understand how you feel. Sometimes, just being near something that reminds us of those we love can bring a bit of comfort... But you look so sad, sitting here all alone."

Despite the warmth of her autumnal appearance, RED carried the raw, intense energy of love lost and hearts broken. Her presence was both chaotic and comforting, like the wild, beautiful storms of fall.

"What's on your mind?" RED asked softly.

Folklore hesitated, unsure how to put her feelings into words. "I'm just... trying to work through things, I guess."

RED nodded understandingly. "It's tough. Dealing with all these emotions, trying to make sense of them."

Folklore sighed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders as she shared her burden with RED. "Yeah, it is. I'm not even sure where to begin."

Red placed a comforting hand on Folklores shoulder. "You're not alone, you know. Every album here had to go through an adjustment period, learning to deal with their emotions. Learning to be here. It's not easy, but you'll find your way... we all do."

Folklore looked up at RED. "So I'm not weird?" She truly thought it might just be her with this struggle, forgetting the others have been around longer, which meant time to process things. Learn how to adapt to their new environment.

RED smiled warmly. "No. We all went through this period of learning to deal with the emotions that weighed heavily on us."

Folklore sighed, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "It's just hard. We haven't really been separated this long. She always knew how to calm my worries, to make me feel like everything would be alright."

RED reached out and took Folklore's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Her touch was warm, like holding a mug of pumpkin spice late on a crisp autumn day, but also tinged with the bittersweet nostalgia of love and heartbreak. "As I said, you're not alone. We're all here for you. And Evermore will be here soon. In the meantime, you have me, and you have Lover and everyone else in the House. We care about you."

Folklore felt a tear slip down her cheek, but RED's presence was comforting. She knew it was because she reminded her of her sister. "Thank you, RED... I just miss her so much."

RED smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting the soft glow of the moonlight. "I know. But Evermore will be here before you know it. And until then, you have all of us to lean on. We'll get through this together."

Folklore nodded, feeling a sense of peace settle over her. "You're right."

As they sat together in the quiet of the night, Folklore felt a sense of peace wash over her. The quiet of the night wrapping around them like a comforting blanket.

As the first light of dawn began to break, RED helped Folklore to her feet. "Come on, let's get you back to your room. You need some rest."

Folklore smiled gratefully. "Thanks, RED. For everything."

Together, they walked back to their rooms, the dawn of a new day bringing with it the promise of healing and connection.

In the House of Albums, Folklore discovered that while her sisters absence left a void, the love and support of friends like RED and Lover could help mend her heart and fill her world with light.

[]Hi, I'm thinking of making a separate book that's short stories of the albums. Idk if anyone would be interested. Basically, just a look into what I imagine goes on in the House of Albums.[]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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