♡°~9. HE IS JEALOUS ~°♡

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"You know what I hate you!!" She said getting frustrated. She didn't mean it. it's just her frustration and he knows that

"It doesn't matter you are already mine" he said

"Not even in your dreams!" She said pointing her index finger to him.

"You better Don't know my dream" he said making her confuse

"But experience it" he continued after some seconds

"And what are your dreams?" She asked.

"For now drop the topic" he said


"You want to go home or should I make you stay here only, and trust me I can. I just have to do one call that you are staying here today." He said

"Fine! Let's go!" She said and again started walking

He also started walking behind her


We walked towards my car. And then I opened the door for her first She looked at me for some seconds then she sat in the car.

I also sat at the driving sit and started driving.

The drive was silent. But suddenly

"Stoopppp!!" She screamed

After stopping the car in next se
second only

"What happened!? Why you screamed?  Are you hurt!?" I asked getting scared while removing my sit belt

"No no don't worry I am totally fine. I just I just....." and she didn't completed her sentence because of embersment?

"You just what?" I asked

"I....I....I wanted to eat ice cream!" She said in one go after I with closed eyes

"Really? Because of that you screamed and made me think that God knows what happened to you?" I scolded her

'Because of course I will get heart attack some day. If she continued scarring me like this'


"You don't have to say sorry even if you are wrong or if you are at fault. Which is impossible, but still. Now tell me which falvour ice-cream you want?" I asked

"I will also come with you" she said and started removing her sit belt

Then we both walk towards the ice cream store at the street

"1 vanilla ice cream" she said to the owner

"And you?" She asked me

"I don-"

"You have to otherwise I will also not have it" she said

"Ok then, I buttersco-"

"Ishika!!" Someone said loudly with surprise. I turned around and saw a boy!?

"Hi varun!" She said and he came and stand infront of her

"Hi! Ishu! We are meeting after so much time" he said and was about to shake his hands with her.

"Biwi! I think we should go as doctor had also advised you not to walk too much." I said while placing my hand around her waist.


"Yes yes! Now let's go we will continue our talk later" I said and she was looking at me with confusion, before she say anything. I turned around.

"Hey! 1 butterscotch and 1 large vanilla, now!" I ordered

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