♡°~43. QUESTIONS~°♡

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'You are going to be mine and only mine in udaipur I promise to you and myself too!'

I started following her

"Yuvi how much will we walk?" Ishi asked

"Wait" i said and we both stopped then she looked at me

"Stay here" i said and took some steps in other direction but i stopped and then again i went towards her and hold her hands

"I can't take risk by leaving your side even for a second" i said and then started walking other side with her hand in mine

I stopped and ask one men about directions and where we can get taxi and all

After some minutes

"We will get a texi after walking for like 20 to 30 minutes" i said and she nodded


We again started walking with him holding my hand

I am feeling so irritated by my hairs right now they are open and coming in front of face again and again.

Suddenly he stop and i looked at him Being confuse.

He took out one rubber band from his pocket and tied my hair.

"What you have in your pocket?" I said and touched his pocket and i felt something

I looked at him

"What you have in your pockets?" I asked again and put my hand in his one pocket

There was some rubber band, hair clip even small tube of sunscreen of mine


"You never know what and when you need them" he said then i tried to put my hand in his other pocket

But he didn't let me

"It's ok! Now let's go" he said and tried to walk but i stop him my holding his arm

"Wait! Let me see" i said and put my hamds in his pockets

There were one pad, a small lipstick of mine and card!?

I looked at him with shock

"You had money?"  I asked

He nooded

"Then why you didn't said earlier" i said while standing infront of me after putting them all again in his pocket

He didn't said anything

"Yuvi?" I said

He sighed

"I wanted to spend time with you and" i said

"And?" I asked

"And....and i intentionally took you away from train so that we miss it" he said

And i sighed

Then i started walking and he came after me

"Let's play a game i will ask you some questions and then you will answer it and same goes to me" i said

"Ok" he said

"So...tell me are you regretting coming on family trip rather then honeymoon?" I asked and he hold my hand

"Not even one percent! It was my dream to come udaipur again with my family after so many years and spend time with them like old days and now i am going there with my complete family" he said while i was looking at him

"Now you tell me are you regretting?" He asked

"No! Honeymoon is boring and i love my family i am getting brother's love sister's love two mother's love and father's love too! I can't live without them now i really wanted to spend time with them but including you! So i demanded this! Simple. And i never went to my village with my whole family i always use to go with my mom and aru sometimes Ankit also use to come with us" i said

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