♡°~26. FOOT MASSAGE ~°♡

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"Kutta! I mean dog! Dog is my favorite animal!" Ishika said

And yuvraj spill water on kabir's face.

And all the youngsters started laughing like crazy.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" Kabir shouted.

"Bhai!!!! Why always me!!!!" Kabir shouted while whipping his face.

Yuvi ignore him and started looking at me with wide eyes.

I know what he is thinking

"No! I am not calling you! I just answered his question and i used to call you just to annoye you!" I whispered

And no one notice because everyone's attention was on kabir

"I doubt" yuvi said

"Why doubt? I am not R.D Sharma. I am Ishika Sharma" I said

"Correction, Mrs. Ishika Yuvraj Singh Yadhuvansi" he said

I rolled my eyes amd ignored him.

"Badi maaaaa!!! From now on I will wear raincoat always!!" Kabir whinned

"Why you all always bother my son!! Huh!" Maa said strictly

And all the youngsters started laughing more loudly.

And elders were controlling their laugh.

"I am not eating with you all I am going in my room" kabir said and was about to pick his plate.

"Nooooo! Eat here only" all the youngsters and me said in one voice.

"Noo" kabir said

"Kabir!" Choti maa said

And he sat down.

Then everyone started eating their food while talking about random things.


At first I thought that she was talking about me.

But thank God I was wrong.

I looked at her.

'Wait! What!! She is eating those puri which I have made and they are so bad they are not round and they are torned also.
And she is eating those salad which I had cut in very bad shape.'

"Don't eat these!" I said to her

Everyone is in busy talking.

"Why?" She asked

"Because I had made them." I said

"And that is why I am eating this because you have made these." She said


"Period." She said

I sighed

'I can't win against her'

'She is the only person who can win against me. And God trust me I want to lose every fucking time when I am against her'

We all were eating when I get an idea to tease her.


We all were eating and talking but suddenly he grabbed my left hand from under the table.

I looked at him and he was smirking!?

But before he tighten his grip I took my hand from his grip.

After some seconds

'Revange time'

I secretly slide my hands on his thigh.

The moment I put my hand on his thigh and just roam my hand on his thigh he dropped the spoon and started coughing so loudly.

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