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It was time. Tommy had all his men take their places before he and his brothers went to the point. Once he got closer John and Arthur went to the buildings on either side. Waiting for the signal from Tommy. Grace and Micheal stood there waiting for him without any of the men either. Tommy took a long drag of his cigarette and blew it out.

"Where is y/n?"

Grace rolled her eyes. But it was Micheal who spoke up first. "No. First things first. Where is Charles?"

Tommy dropped the cigarette and he crushed it under his foot. "He isn't here. This ain't a place for a baby"

Tommy glared his way at Grace which caused her to fidget. He knew that she'd know he wasn't wrong. He also found it complete stupid she'd ask for a child to be brought around here when they all knew gunfire would be happening soon. Grace however got angry because she wanted her son back.

"Where is my son?" Grace said sternly

Tommy smirked and looked to the side. "So now he's your son? Hmm"

As he made eye contact with Grace she looked furious. "You were so edger to have me be his father. Now I'm starting to believe everything everyone said was right. Micheal included"

Grace looked from Tommy to Micheal as Micheal just glared hard at his uncle. "You doubted me as well?"

Micheal was silent but he then looked to Grace. "Even if he is the father. It won't matter. Because I'll be taking that roll. I'll be an actual man and stay and keep the family together. Unlike your ass uncle"

Tommy sighed and looked to Micheal. He could tell Micheal hadn't thought all this through. Or maybe he had and he was just overall stupid.

"Micheal. She'll just leave you once you do something she doesn't like. If this isn't proof of how crazy she is"

Grace clenched her jaw "don't you dare! I left everything for you! I left a good man of good wealth. I left my career as a detective! For you!"

"With a child that is questionably mine" Tommy added in while Grave spoke.

The rage on Graces face was easily seen. Tommy was getting a kick out of it in all honesty. Grace was showing her true colors and he couldn't believe he used to be blinded by them once before.

"I loved you. You left me the second you thought of that whore. I mean look at her? Jumping from one Shelby to the next!" Grace shouted

"You mean like your doing?" Tommy glared and spoke this angry

Tommy wasn't taking any of Graces shit. He's had enough of her and her bullshit. "Listen Grace. Honestly I should've never gone with you. I should've never slept with you either. Y/n is the woman I love and have loved for awhile. I was a completely idiot" he grabbed a cigarette and lit it up. Once he took the first drag he let it out. "I take full responsibility of those mistakes. I've told y/n this. She's accepted that, and we are now moving forward. As should you. But now without Charles."

The look on both Graces and Micheal's face was of shock. Was Tommy actually going to take full custody of Charles? If not for the fact he believes he is the father. But just to spit in her and her families face. Yes, yes he was indeed. Tommy smirked as he took a drag.

Grace couldn't contain her anger. "Men! Get the fuck out of here!!"

The police walked out holding their weapons. Micheal tried to stop her and whispered a few things into her ear. Grace slapped him. "Go take care of that bitch! Be ready to leave!"

Micheal couldn't believe Graces anger and he left to head into the building. Behind his back Tommy pointed two fingers to the left and John and Arthur silently went after Micheal. Meanwhile he gave another signal and his sixty men around came out and even from behind the cops.

Everyone looked around and Grace started to realize she should've left with Micheal. Tommy looked to her coldly.

"You wouldn't hurt me. Would you Thomas?" Grace tried to sound tender.

Tommy smirked hearing her act. "You're a terrible actress Grace. This is for everything you've done to y/n"

When she dead locked with him the cops and Tommy's men started to fight. The bullets didn't even sound loud to Grace. Because she was just staring at Tommy the whole time. He slowly raised his gun and a bang happened. Grace flinched as she felt something hit her. When her eyes slowly went down to her chest she saw Tommy had shot her straight in her heart.

Tommy's eyes never left Grace as she slowly looked back at him. "I feel...cold"

Grace fell to her knees and then fell on her face in the dirt. The cops where to busy fighting the Blinders and losing to even notice. Tommy quickly went to head inside to stop Micheal.

—-meanwhile inside the building—-

You had been trying to get out of your ropes when you heard footsteps rushing your way.

"Fucking dammit!"

It was Micheal. He sounded worried and panicked.

"She's lost her mind by rushing!"

He quickly walked to you and grabbed your arm. You groaned from the ropes and he pulled the bag off of your head. "This is all because of you"

Micheal pushed you into the wall which hit your head. You felt dizzy for a minute. "What did..." you shook your head "I do?"

The pull back of a gun could be heard. Which made you freeze. Fear rushing through you from the last time you got shot at the restaurant.

"Because of you Tommy has gotten bolder. Because of you I won't get what I want!"

You glared at him as you tried to get your hands out. "Micheal..."

As you looked his way he shot a bullet up in the air. You flinched scared as he walked to you. The tip of the gun was hot and he pressed it on your shoulder. You groaned but didn't cry. You didn't want to show him to much fear. But, you couldn't help being scared of the gun.

"I'd stop that mate" Arthur's voice echoed.

Micheal grabbed you tight to him as Arthur and John came from out of the back. Guns in their hands and ready to kill when they get the chance.

"Where is Tommy?" Micheal asked a bit panicked

The brothers didn't take their eyes off of Micheal. "Probably finishing off those men and Grace."

Micheal's face looked hurt hearing that. He didn't want Grace to be hurt. But once he heard the loud bang and he noticed Graces blonde hair falling he gripped your burnt shoulder tightly.

"Your...hurting me" you groaned out.

"Shut up"

Micheal quickly threw you at John and Arthur and rushed out the side door. John grabbed you and Arthur ran out to the door. Tommy was coming inside and he noticed you in John's arms with your hands and legs tied up.

"Where is Micheal?" Tommy said angry.

"He ran out that way. Arthur is after him!" John shouted.

You looked to Tommy and he looked to you. The worry and fear going across your face was clear. Tommy walked to you slowly and he cupped your face. "I'll be back. I promise"

You nodded and he kissed you to reassure you. After he left John pulled out a knife and helped you out of your ropes. You gave a sigh of relief and John noticed the blood.

"Your wound opened. Come on. Let's get you to the Garrison and get that cleaned up and stuff."

You leaned on John and you groaned happy to have this over. "And some whiskey would be nice."

John smiled and just laughed "Atta girl"

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