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Chapter Nine



The water was freezing. It squeezed down on her torso and locked her lungs. For several long, terrifying seconds, Marisa wasn't able to tell up from down. The water churned, spinning her around and around. Pain spread through her limbs as the icy cold bit at her blood and muscle. Panic filled her mind as she kicked her legs. Her ankle connected painfully with a rock, but she only kicked faster.

Her head breached the surface of the water but only for a painfully brief moment. She took a small gasp of air before the water rushed over her face once more. Marisa was twisted and spun like a leaf, tumbling as the crashing force of the river took her further down river. She was going to drown, and she had no idea how to stop it.

Before despair and terror could completely overwhelm her, something snagged her tunic. Suddenly, she wasn't being pulled anymore. Marisa struggled, kicking as hard as her aching legs could go until finally, she burst above the water's surface again. Gasping desperately for breath, her lungs burning, she got the vague idea that she was being tugged towards the rocky shore.

Suddenly there was ground under her feet. She half stumbled, half crawled onto the bank, still being pulled along by her tunic. The girl collapsed onto her side and coughed. It took several moments to gather herself back together. Marisa sat up, rubbing her stinging eyes. As her vision cleared, she became very aware that she wasn't alone.

It was the filly dragon she had been watching. The young dragon must have pulled her out of the river. The filly looked at her the same way a puppy observes something new and shiny. Marisa stared up at her in amazement. 'You saved me. Thank you!' Without thinking, she held out her hands to the filly. The dragon growled nervously.

'It's okay.' Marisa got slowly and unsteadily to her feet. By some miracle, the filly didn't fly away. This could be her chance. By some miracle, her collar was still attached to his belt. Marisa took it out. She was shaking all over with cold and adrenaline, excitement and nervousness. There was also a tiny worm of guilt. This little filly had just saved her life. She clearly had not had much contact with humans before and didn't know she was in danger of being captured. But Marisa needed her own dragon and if the filly didn't bond with her, the new rules stated that Marisa would have to let her go after a year.

Mind made up; Marisa held up the collar. The filly looked at it, perplexed. She wasn't expecting it when Marisa darted forward and fixed the glowing ring around the filly's neck. The magic of collar glowed brilliantly. The filly shrieked in panic and sudden fear.

'It's okay!' Marisa shouted. She caught the animal's muzzle with both hands and pressed her cheek against the dragons' as the bond settled into place. It did not happen with the rage and violence of George's bond. Though, of course, Marisa didn't know this. Marisa petted the smooth blue and brown scales.

'You're okay. I will never hurt you.' It was strange, to have feelings and know they weren't hers. The filly was still very confused and scared. Marisa continued to gently pet and scratch at the dragon's scales, wooing her down from her panic. The filly was young. Younger than Lune. Marisa had the vague impression the youngling had only just left the nest. The filly trembled against her. As their bond hummed, still sparking with magic, Marisa timidly reached across it.


The filly started, her wings flapping. Hello?

Marisa beamed. They had formed a connection! 'You are so special. You're amazing.'

The filly blinked. I am? What are you?

Marisa laughed. 'I'm a human.' The filly's nose wrinkled. The little dragon didn't seem to know what that was, just that Marisa was new and scary. 'I'm a dragon rider. When we come of age, we go out and find a dragon to pair with.'

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