Part 20

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Me and bsf/n walked in together, both of us more nervous than ever. (I did not mean to make this rhyme btw) I looked at her and she looked nervous since she has the biggest crush on Hc/n. I'm happy that he asked her to this dance because they would really make a good couple, and I love seeing Y/n happy.

We both look around, trying to spot our "dates" but we can't seem to find them yet. "Hey Y/n, I'm going to go look for Hc/n, do you wanna come or continue looking for your man?" bsf/n said as she teased me, and I turned as red as a tomato. "U-Uh.. I'll go look for H/n, so you go ahead and find Hc/n. Good luck!" I said as I quickly ran off to find H/n. 

Maybe he hasn't arrived yet. Maybe he is running a bit late. Well, I'm still gonna search for him anyway.

*Time skip*

I've been looking for him for about 10 minutes and I still haven't found him. I bumped into a couple of his non-popular friends and they said that they haven't seen him either. Maybe he got stuck in traffic or is running late. I guess I should go look for Bsf/n and see if she has found Hc/n.

As I continue walking, I bump into someone. But before I could say sorry and walk away, they turned around and I saw none other than E/n. Oh how bad I want to punch that smirk off of her face. "Aw, looks like you're not with your 'date'. Let me guess, he ditched you?" E/n says as she laughs and I roll my eyes. "No, he just.. u-uh.. running late. Yeah. Why not bother someone else, I'm not in the mood to be dealing with you right now." I say and she laughs. "Okay whatever you say Y/n. But just so you know.. H/n is mine and I won't let you steal him from me." E/n says and I giggle. 

"Sure." and that was the last thing I said before I left her standing there. I continued searching for Bsf/n and when I spotted her, she was already with Hc/n. I smiled softly because they looked so happy together. Oh how much I ship them. 

I go up to them and they both look at me at the same time. "Y/N!!!!" bsf/n gives me a hug and when she backs away, she starts looking around, as if she is looking for someone.. some specific. "Where-" bsf/n tries to speak but I cut her off, "I don't know. Maybe he didn't even show up and completely ditched me." 

Hc/n looks at bsf/n and then at me. "Wait.. H/n invited you to the dance?" hc/n says and I slowly nod at him. "And he's not here yet?" he asks and once again I nod my head at him. "Maybe he is in the restrooms, I'll go check for you." he says as he walks away. I look at bsf/n and my eyes start getting teary and she notices, so she hugs me.

"Oh Y/n don't cry! If he doesn't pull up it'll be fine, I'll just go to his house and beat the shi-" I cut her off before she could finish her sentence, "BSF/N!!" We both looked at each other before we burst out laughing. "Okay but for real, if he doesn't show up it's okay!! He's not worth it anyway, plus you can hang out with me and Hc/n if you want!! I'm sure he won't mind." bsf/n says and I quickly deny. "No, it's fine. I don't want to ruin your date. I mean, sure Hc/n won't mind but I want you guys to be happy, just the two of you." I say and bsf/n has a worried look on her face.

"Are you sure? We really wouldn't mind." bsf/n says and I quickly nod. "It's fine. I'll just go sit on the bleachers and use my phone. It's no big deal." I say and bsf/n gives me an upset look. She sighs before she says, "Okay then."

Just as we finished our conversation, Hc/n came back, but I didn't see H/n with him so I'm guessing he didn't find him. Tears started forming in my eyes. "Well.. I didn't find him.. but I found food!" Hc/n says, and it makes me and bsf/n laugh. "Okay, well thank you for trying to find him and everything, but I'll be heading off to the bleachers. See you guys later!!" I said quickly running off before they could say anything.

I arrive at the bleachers and I sit at the very top so nobody can see me. I burst into the tears that I was holding in. Good thing I have my makeup bag with me, or else I would've looked terrible the rest of the night. "I can't believe I trusted that he wouldn't ditch me. Why did I even say yes to him!? I was so caught up in my little crush on him that I didn't pay attention to what would happen. I shouldn't have said yes.." I say very quietly to myself so nobody could hear.

*Time skip*

It's been 15 minutes and he still hasn't shown up. At this point I think I'm going to go back home. There is no point in waiting anymore. I get my small backpack and start heading down the bleacher stairs. As I walk to the door where we exit, I see bsf/n and hc/n and they are laughing together. I smile and then start walking again.

As soon as I reached the door, someone from the other side pushed the door and I was shocked to see who it was.

It was H/n.


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