00 // Don't Talk To Strangers Or You Might Fall In Love!

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    Josephine Grace suspects—-no— Josephine Grace knows that if she'd had the pleasure of crossing paths with Piper Mclean alot sooner, the trajectory of her life might have been altered for the greater good. If only the Grace girl had somehow met Piper Mclean ages before she did, the cruel calamties riddling her life would dissolve into unique displays of goodness and love. For Piper taught the girl how to find love in the most miniscule things.

   Jo found the world wasn't half-as treacherous as she imagined when Piper wore festive christmas pajama-pants mid August. Or when she forced Jo out of bed in the morning by having obnoxiously-loud shower concerts. Or when she doodled on the back of Jo's hand during third period chemistry instead of calculating equations. Especially when when she doodled on the back of Jo's hand during third period chemistry instead of calculating equations.

  Not only did Piper teach the girl tangible things, like how to braid her hair, or find x in algebraic equations, but she also taught Jo how to focus on the positivity, to let it outweigh the negative.

   Growing up, Jo had wished for a counterpart so sincere. She prayed nightly for a constant love to keep her sane in the grasp of foster care. But her desperate requests never came about: not until she was 15 and sent away to Wilderness school by the state as a last resort.

Finding Piper was unexpected. Jo thought that this school would be like any other. She thought she'd eat lunch alone, spend her nights in the library as to avoid interacting with her roomate, barely pass her classes, and then leave after a semester to repeat the cycle someplace else. Or maybe she'd be sent to another group home.

  But she couldn't have been more wrong.

  She knew this the second Piper passed the threshold into their shared dorm, and nearly put Jo into cardiac arrest with her effortless beauty.

  Jo had arrived in the room an entire hour before her new roomate, so she took her favoured side of the area, unpacking her scarce quantity of belongings. By the time Piper had pranced into the room, her arms overflowing with luggage, a woman who seemed very exspensive trailing behind her, Jo had already strung her clothing in the closet and made her bed to her liking.

  Josephine was busy with the pages of her near ancient scetch-book, scribiling onto the pristine white parchment— a scene depicting the subject of her latest nightmare. Some sort of huge giant-like-creature. Then the door opened, snapping her from her artisticly driven daze.

"Alot bigger than the last room," The woman trailing behind the girl who was likely her new roomate said aloud, she sounded greatful for this fact, as if she'd be the one staying in the dorm. "Bigger beds, too."

  "Yipee," the teenaged girl mumbled aloud and Jo could tell by the mere tone of voice that she used that she was only being sarcastic. It was clear she didn't care about room or bed sizes. She wasn't happy to be there, Jo was capable of seeing that, infact any sane person was.

The woman's phone chimed inside the pocket of her navy blazer, eliciting an annoyed sigh from the younger girl. The woman dropped the luggage she held and scavenged through her jacket for her ringing celluar. When she finally fished the device out, she turned toward her company with a grimace.

  "It's your dad," She informed the girl. "I've got to step out and take this out."

   Jo tried hard not to listen in on their conversation, but it was very tricky considering the dorm was only so big. She was very relieved when the woman left the room for she no longer felt like she was preying on the two.

  "It's your dad!" The girl mocked, speaking to herself yet eliciting a giggle from her new roommate.

  "Hi," The dark haired girl murmured, embarrassed she'd been caught. "I'm Piper. Your roommate, I assume— I mean if this is your room."

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