Chapter 1: Experiment 626 arriving at Japan!

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Experiment 626 was held captive with his creator by the Umited Galactic Federation. But like in the original film, he escaped and arrived at Earth but instead of Hawaii, he arrives at Japan, Musutafu.

The Experiment laughed as he arrived. Ready to destroy. But first he has to adjust and see how to blend in but since some of the population have unique traits and looks, it won't be too difficult. Besides, the blue furrball is indestructible. So he gets his giant ship somewhere in the forest and makes sure that no one will find it. He takes off his suit and puts his two arms into his body, same with his antenna and his venomous spine like limb.

626 looks around and seeing a lot of postures, statues and books about quirks and heroes, he easily stole a book and learned about quirks. He grins and chuckles evilly as he will take and destroy the world. This is nothing.

In the morning, 626 crawls around pretending to be a dog with a unique quirk. He sees a boy who looks lonely. He looks scrawny, not looking strong and has green messy hair. He crawls to the boy.

"AH!" The boy yelps. "A Dog? Are you ok?"

626 gets up on two legs and starts to speak "h- heh...Hi!" The boy is very confused. How can this dog talk? Well it's not super surprising. Since the dream school he's planning on going to has an animal that has an intelligent quirk as a principle.

"What's your name?"...the boy asks as 626 mins quicker than instantly functions and shouts out: Stitch!
"Stitch? Well I'm Izuku Midoriya. I don't have a quirk..but I do wanna go to U.A academy. I want to learn how to be a hero. Do you think a quirkless boy can be a hero?" Izuku asks sadly.

626 even though has no remorse for the boy, he pretends to be sympathetic which completely worked "yeah. Anyone can be hero if have mental state and determination." This seems to light up Izuku.

Izuku hugs 626 "Thanks. Do you have a home?" 626 shakes head and pretends to plead to have a home and Izuku nods. They all walk to a tunnel that was a shortcut. As they were almost exiting a tunnel, 626 hears a loud "thud", he looks back and sees a big sludge coming out the manhole. It's a villain. Izuku looks back and is extremely terrified.

The sludge villain laughs "Oh! A medium sized body! That'll be a perfect suit! I didn't think he was gonna be here!" The sludge villain jumps quickly and tries to lay his hands onto Izuku but the blue alien was way faster and agile to grab Izuku out the way. "Huh? Where did you go?"

"Hey!" The sludge hears and looks back as 626 was waving his rear end at the sludge which pisses off the villain.

"Ok that's it-" 626 claps his hands casually which makes tea powerful shockwave that blew the villain into millions of tiny pieces. 626 laughs as Izuku is just frozen in shock as 626 uses an empty bottle and puts the sludges into one. The sludge tries to get out. "Hey! Let me out!!" 626 shakes his head and taunts him. Suddenly the three hears a laugh

"Fear not, citizens!" A large man comes out of the hole, he's large, muscular, a huge iconic smile and has blond hair with two points sticking out the front. It's..Japan's number one hero ALL MIGHT! "Because I Am Here!" Izuku becomes a fanboy and immediately asks for an autograph as 626 is not even interested but he does crawl to All Might to give him the bottle.

"Oh? Why thank you! You're a good boy!" He lets 626's head but suddenly realizes..."Wait. How is the villain in this bottle? Did you do this?" 626 nods. "Wow. You must have a strong quirk. Never seen an animal with a powerful quirk usually. Anyways. I gotta go! Cya!" Izuku immediately calls out to him to wait. 626 didn't want the hero to come into this but he's gotta earn the boy's trust to manipulate and destroy earth even tho he could do that in one hit but it would've been too boring. So he grabs the leaping how off in the air and slams the hero into the ground.

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