Chapter 2: Learning One For All

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"One For All?" Izuku repeats All Might's Last Words.

"One For All?" Stitch repeats Izuku. "That your quirk?"
The number one hero nods.

Izuku starts rambling. "H-Hold On...a second! To be sure, All Might's quirk is one of the seven great mysteries of the world, and there's been endless debate over what it might be! There isn't a day that goes by without some new theory on the internet..but well... NOW HE SAYS IT WAS PASSED DOWN TO HIM!"

"Naturally I have no idea what he means. But more than that, that's not a theory that anyone's proposed before. And that's mostly because we know little so much about what quirks really are in the first place. I mean we used to term "quirks" to begin with because each power or characteristic is so very particular to a single person! I-"

A book suddenly goes flying and hits Izuku in the back. Izuku looked back and sees Stitch irritated. "We get it! All Might's quirk is 'such' a mystery!" You could see an angry vein popping on the blue koala's forehead.

All Might goes to his skeleton form and coughs up blood. "Jeez. You really doubt me that much? I do have the ability to transfer the quirk I inherited. The first person cultivates the power. And then passes it to another person. The next ref finds it and passes out again in this Wayne, those crying out to be saved, and those with brave and heart heart link to form...A CYRSTALLINE NETWORK OF POWER!!"

Izuku is flabbergasted. "But why me?"

"You dumb?" Stitch responded. "You worthy. Like a Norse god with his hammer or a soldier that becomes strong and brave to protect his country in ww2 against a weird red head. What was that weird Red suit said? 'With great power becomes great responsibility'."

All Might shouted in excitement. "YES!!! Like that!! I need a worthy successor. You may be quirkless but back there, you were more heroic than anyone else there!!"

Izuku wipes his tears of joyless. "Yes...I accept."

Two days later at Six AM. The three go to a beach that was full of TRASH. All Might basically informs Izuku that he needs to put all trash away in about or less than 10 months.

Couple hours after. Izuku was struggling to pull a refrigerator as Stitch and All Might are relaxing, drinking their chocolate shakes. Stitch has one saved for Izuku in the refrigerator at home with a tape saying "for Izuku" so that Inko doesn't get confused.

"Little movement would be nice for relaxment." All Might says as both him and Stitch giggles like two school girls.

"All Might, you're 274 Kilos alone. And with stitch there, added several pounds because he is surprisingly heavy." Izuku responds as he looks back.

"So why am dragging stuff and cleaning the beach?"

Stitch looks at Izuku with an unamused look. "Ain't it obvious? It to make body stronger."

"Like what your blue friend say, your body isn't strong enough.. if you had one for all right now and you used it. Your limbs would've been gone from the force and power." All Might explains.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!" Izuku screams in horror.

Oh jeez. It's gonna take long... Stitch thought.

For couple months, stitch signed himself up for the U.A course and Stitch was already recommended by All Might so he's definitely gonna get a lot of attention. As Stitch worked on his own suit to help out of there's an environment Stitch isn't used to. Like Water for example due to his molecular structure.

Stitch thought maybe that he could make a serum for himself to make him adapt to environments. But Stitch planned to do that later if the suit doesn't exactly please him. Stitch helps Izuku by recommending some foods, so recovery like Coldplunge, Red Light, some shakes, protein shakes etc.

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