Chapter 4: Stitch vs Class 1A

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It's has been couple days since the quirk assessment test. Izuku, Stitch and the rest of class has been doing normal school stuff, most of the class were groaning, wanting to the fun hero stuff. Mineta, the purple ball head poy was staring at the pony hair girl who seems to be large on....the upper body but Stitch nudges him to knock it off.

After the history subject, the teacher left and someone began to come through the door. All Might with his silver age suit. Everyone was immediately murmuring in excitement. 

"It's All Might!!"

"That's his silver age costume!!"

"He's drawn so differently from the others. It gives me goosebumps"

All Might chuckles and puts out both his hands and moves it back and forth. "Ok Ok, class!! We're doing hero training!! At the end of it, it's gonna be special. While in the mean time, Stitch needs to have a long talk with principle Nezu. Nothing bad so let's talk about today's activity!! Battle training!!!"

All Might grabs a remote from the desk and presses a button, the walls opens and then he speaks "In accordance with the 'quirk registry' and the special request forms you filled out expect Stitch because he's such a smarty pants with his own suit.."

Stitch nods as he looks at Izuku "ye, Stitch and Inko made Izuku suit." Everyone looked at Stitch wondering who's Inko. "Izuku's mother". 

"Oh" everyone said. Everyone grabbed their cases and went to the locker room to changer into their heroic outfit while Stitch crawls to principle Nezu's office. Stitch opens the door seeing Nezu.

"Oh hello there, blue friend. Im the principle. Dont wonder who i am. i might be a dog or a bear but i'm the principle!" Nezu says as Stitch smiles. 

"You a cute mouse." Stitch spoke. Nezu laughs and nods. 

"You could say that but let's go to another room. It's very comfy." Nezu walks out a room across the long hall as Stitch follows. Stitch and Nezu enters the room. The room had two green sofas across each other with a table that has a large plate of cookies and there was a coffee machine and a tea machine with bookshelves behind both couches. Stitch sits down and eats one of the cookies as Nezu puts out both small cups of hot green tea.

"I hope you don't mind some green tea" Nezu says as he sits down across Stitch. "Sorry that you don't get to do the 2v2 hero vs villain exercise. Trust me, you'll have a blast in the end. You'll fight all of class 1A hopefully all of them. You know that type of exercises, like one or two gets injured from my experience. " 

Stitch shrugs "Meh, its fine. Two  from any would've been too easy. Stitch think he would've been the perfect role from villain side. Don't worry, Stitch won't be villain." Stitch sips his tea. 

Nezu chuckles in amusement. "Oh my, you make me laugh. Anyways, what's your quirk exactly? Your teacher Aizawa told me about your incredible feats and performance in the assessment test couple days ago."

Stitch immediately grabbed an answer "Stitch's quirk is called Alien Adaptation! Stitch can change body and brain to fit any danger or problem. Like... if big rock falling, Stitch can get super strong to lift it! Or if need to sneak, Stitch can become very quiet and small. Stitch can even grow new arms or  can make tools out of anything if needed. It's like... super-smart, super-flexible, super-powerful! Stitch always ready for anything!"

Nezu nods in response. "Hmm. That makes sense. You did make two small machines that can generate infinite amount of eye drops from what? Out of dust and rocks? Very Impressive!! You would've been a great adversary of support class. But i suppose that's not what where you want to be?"

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