Chapter 3: First day of U.A

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.Stitch and Izuku were assigned to class 1A. Stitch can easily tell where it is due to his super intelligence. Stitch crawling for the direction. Stitch noticed Izuku following him with his backpack.

"Stitch! Slow down. Jeez."  Stitch looks at his own backpack with disgust.

"Ugh. Stitch don't need backpack. Stitch can easily beat everyone in every category." Stitch says. Izuku sighs as he does know Stitch is very intelligent and strong. I mean he easily damaged All Might.

Stitch finds the 1A classroom and noticed the the door was massive. Izuku was in awe and Stitch thought that maybe someone had a giant quirk. Izuku and Stitch walked inside and sees multiple people talking. He noticed Bakugo and the engine boy.

The Engine boy looks at Izuku. "It's him.". Everyone looks at Izuku and Stitch. "My name is Tenya Ida. I'm from Somei Private Academy."

Stitch looks at Ida with a blank stare. "Stitch. This Izuku Midoriya." He points his thumb at Izuku. " You perceived a true nature of the practical exam. While I did not! I miss judged you. I hate to admit it, but you were the superior candidate."

Izuku was confused as Stitch chuckled "Heh. That's true."

"Stitch!!" Izuku shouted.


Stitch looks down for abit as he remembered that Stitch trained Izuku for Hours to learn how to use the quirk in the right way. To not used all the power in one hit. Stitch did take samples of Izuku's DNA to understand it better. To make it better for Izuku to help him which it did. So Izuku doesn't need to worry about breaking bone and limbs and it does give Stitch an idea.  Of course Stitch is still massively stronger, faster and smarter than Izuku. And of course Stitch didn't taken One For All. He's already too strong to say the least.

"Hey! It's that cute green hair boy!" A female voice called from behind.

Izuku looked back in flustered expression. "Huh??? Cute! Oh! It's you!" He sees Uraraka in her U.A Uniform. She looks cute in it. Stitch comes between the two with a smug smile.

"Aww. You two cute together." Stitch says as Uraraka chuckles and Izuku is just full on red. "Haha! You look like a strawberry!" Stitch laughs so hard but then is interrupted.

"Knock it off. If you're here to socialize. I suggest you leave." A man says in his yellow sleeping bag.

Stitch does know who the guy is and isn't stupid or terrified of the man "oh please. We just tryna introduce and ease of abit. Take a hike, will ya?"

The man gets up and unzips out of the bag. "Hello. I'm Shota Aizawa I'm your homeroom teacher." He takes out a blue P.E uniform "put this on and go outside. Don't take too long."

Stitch immediately goes to the locker rooms and puts it on instantly and goes outside waiting. He shout out to the others. "Come on, Slowasses. You can't take all day." Stitch laughs as he even beat Aizawa to go outside as stitch was so quick.

Everyone else came outside. Stitch sees Bakugo looking at him and Izuku with rage. "Oh please. You and that stitch beat you fair and square and Izuku having a girlfriend! Hahahahahha!"


"Hey! This isn't a playground! This is hero training! We're doing quirk testing." Aizawa explains, everyone started murmuring about what type of exercises they will so.

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