chapter fifty-four

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Chapter 54 

Not Edited - sorry


"Marcel Gerard. Nice to finally see you again."

Marcel rolled his eyes at the voice as he downed his third shot of Don Julio... Or it could've been Casamigos. He didn't remember. 

Not deeming the person important enough for him to right himself, he remained slouched in the booth at a bar right outside of New Orleans. He had ventured thus far because of his desire not to be found by any of the Mikaelson family. He didn't consider, however, his best friend.

"Josh," Marcel grunted. "I would've bet real money that Elijah was going be the most annoying person in my day today. Seems I gambled and lost."

Josh chuckled under his breath. "I said eight words."

"And you had said zero about fifteen seconds ago," Marcel began, trying to figure out what he would drink next. "The silence was glorious then."

"Well, I'm here for a reason," Josh confirmed.

"Go figure."

Rolling his eyes at his very temperamental best friend, Josh continued. "Poppa Original took control of the wolves."

At this, Marcel froze. He ignored the little nickname Josh had given Klaus in favor of Marcel's relationship with the hybrid. "He... Already?"

"Yup," Josh said, popping the p. He took a bite of a Snickers bar that Marcel never noticed that he had. "And left Jackson and Hayley Kenner alive."

Marcel groaned. The best part of Klaus's plan to become alpha was the fact that he would kill that overconfident bitch. "He had one job."

"I kinda wanted her dead too, but I guess you can't murder a pregnant woman," Josh shrugged. "I'm just surprised ya' daddy cared about that. Since when do serial killers and mass murderers have morals?"

Marcel choked at the joke. "Klaus doesn't care about that."

"Obviously, he does. Cause she's still breathing. I guess murdering men, women, and children is alright as long as it isn't a 2 in-1."

Marcel let out a deep chuckle before tapping the side of his glass at the sight of his waiter. With a curt nod, the waiter knew to bring him a refill of whatever he had just had.

Leaning back again, Marcel's eyes darted around the room before finding Josh's. "How did you find this out?"

"Alonso," Josh answered simply. "I know that you're on a Mikaelson strike right now, but surely, you're going to go back, right? Just don't want Elijah to get any idea about trying to take over the vampires."

"He won't," Marcel growled. "But I'm not going back right now. Not until Klaus shows some type of remorse and apologizes."

"He's like two gazillion years old," Josh mumbled. "And technically your dad. I wouldn't be surprised if he never apologized."

Marcel scoffed. He knew for a fact that Klaus didn't apologize when he was wrong.


Young Marcellus Mikaelson stormed up the stairs, hearing his father's heavy boots right behind him. He could hear yelling, and he knew it was directed at him, but his ability to tune out unimportant information had kicked in and he wasn't listening to shit his father was saying.

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