2nd part

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AT EVENING... Aman come from the office... he had with dinner Roshni and aaru.. While having dinner, Aaru excitedly shares news with Aman about her participating in a dance in school functions.
Aman full concentration on his princess's words, and he prides her actives and talent

Aaru - Papa, I have a dance competition on Saturday, so we will go shopping tomorrow na.

Aman - Princess's Your papa is very busy tomorrow, I will not able to come with you for shopping… But you go tomorrow with your mamma… Ok..

Roshni looks at him and shaking head…

Aaru.. Ooh.. papa.. Then you won't even come to see my dance?

Aman - I will come princess, to see your dance... I will take leave from the office for your dance competition

Aaru - Yeyy...😃 papa will come to see my dance…

She gets very happy.. Seeing Aaru excitement, Aman also gets happy and kissed her forehead…

Aman - Now eat, you have to go to school tomorrow..

Aaru nodded in yes..

Roshni smiled with teary eyes staring father-daughter bonding…  Aman is always happy with Aaru, his daughter is a reason for his happiness… Aman and Roshni never fight and argue in front of Aaru,
They always live like a happy family in front of aaru because Aman does not want Aaru to have a bad impact due to theirs.

Roshni thought - I know Aman it was difficult for you to do the job as an employee… But you did it… You don't like to work under anyone, it is not your habit to follow someone's orders even it's not your personality to do that, but you changed yourself and doing the job like an ordinary human being, just for the sake of our daughter.  For her good future, you have done everything that a father does for his child, you are the best father in the world Aman..

After dinner… They trio slept… Next day… Aaru went to school and Aman's went office… He working at his desk and sudden his mind reminds something, and he call someone..

Voice - hello, Mr… Mehra..

Aman - hello, how's the condition?

Doctor - not changed anything…Mr mehra

Aman - (with hope) how much time will it take?

Doctor - i have told you earlier, we can't say anything about this.. But we are trying our best..

Aman is sad and has cut the phone… After talk, he gets very stressful…
Then, someone informed him that he had been called to the boss's cabin… And Aman walks towards the boss's cabin… He knocks on on the door.
After getting a positive reply, he entered the inside,..
And he sees his boss talking with a man, but
Aman seeing that man, his legs gets stopped at the place, in anger he clutched tightly the fists,
Then they both see Aman, who's stopped at the door…  his boss called him again and said to take sit, and that man is sarcastically looked at Aman..

Aman's boss - Aman, he is our new client.. Mr. Dev bansal, and he liked your presentation and that is why he is come here to meet you in personally.

There was no expression on Aman's face, he just nodded.

Dev - (to Aman's boss) You are told me about him so much so that I could not stop myself from coming here, but after seeing him I was surprised… Anyway, I can talk with him a little…

Aman's boss - yeah sure..

Aman's boss left the cabin for attending some important call
Dev gives a sarcastic smile😏 while looking at Aman…
Aman looks at other side while controlling his anger ..
Aman doesn't like him at all, even both are hates each other, and there has always been competition between them.

Dil kehta hai - A STORY OF PAIN AND CURE जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें