17th part

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Aman and Roshni come downstairs, there already all are present because Vishal and Anjana are very angry for last night.
And they look at Roshni angrily, Roshni holds Aman's hand of fear.

Vihaan - Bhabi, are you feeling well now?

Roshni just nodded…

Aman-Roshni, you go and sit in the car, I come.

Roshni nodded in yes and went out…

Aman - Vihaan I will not come to office today, you have to handle everything.

Vihaan - OK bhai..

Vishal: May I know the reason for not going to office?

Aman - I have to take Roshni to the hospital..  So i.

Nupur - Roshni fainted just because of fear. It is not necessary to go to the doctor for that.

Aman - no.. mom... wo pehle se uski tabiyat thik nhi thi..

Nupur - thi hai .. tum jau..

Aman goes from there… Vishal and Anjana are still angry because Aman has reminded them of their mistakes for the first time, which has shocked both of them, Aman had never done this, neither did he are gone against them nor had he questioned for that…

Roshan reaches the hospital. They meet the doctor, the doctor checks up Roshni and also does some tests. And after the reports come, the doctor sees the report and comes to the conclusion that…

Aman: Doctor, is it okay?...

Doctor - Mr. Mehra reports has concluded that Roshni is expecting..

Roshni becomes surprised and happy too and lowers her head with shy, but Aman did not understand anything, he gets confused and looks at to the doctor question..

Aman: expecting? What do you mean?

The doctor smiled and says.

Doctor: means, your wife is pregnant, you are going to be a father.. Mr. mehra

Shock and surprise etched across Aman's face… He quickly looked at to Roshni, his expression shifting from shock to happiness, their eyes met each other's… Tears of joy fill the eyes of both...

Doctor - Mr. Mehra, Mrs. Mehra is a bit weak but don't worry medicine and proper diet will improve her.

Aman nodded… The doctor prescribes some medicines and also gives diet chats. After that, both of them come out of the doctor's cabin, and Aman immediately hugs her, Roshni also hugs him tightly while cherishing the moment…

Roshni - main boht khush ho.. aap khush hai?

Aman - boht.. boht... khush ho.. ?

Roshni - (holding him with happiness) aman, you are going to become father

Aman - (his eyes shining with happiness) and you are going to become mother...

After, they sat in the car and leaves for home… and soon they reached the home… Aman directly takes her to the room...

Aman: Do you want to eat anything?   /..Hugging her from behind

Roshni nodded in yes... Aman call maid and said her to send juice with some healthy food.. She turned towards him and wrapped her hands around his neck.

Roshni - muhje juice nhi kuch meetha khana hai..

Aman - meetha khaana hai..??

Roshni shakes her head in yes and mischievous idea comes to Aman mind..

Dil kehta hai - A STORY OF PAIN AND CURE जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें