Digging Deeper

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Arthur POV

"What is this?" Seamus inquired.

"I am not sure", Arthur replied, "Lets read the letter first"

Arthur and Seamus were in front of a library computer reading over the papers. There was a letter and list of sorts, however the list was made up of words that aren't real, just a jabber or letters and numbers. The letter itself read,

Help me.
Pete and the others have gone insane. They are doing something I don't want to be a part of. I left their group a month ago, yet they still follow me, I know it. The CLA uses the internet to communicate and recruit. They have plans that could ruin everything in this town. Its all there in the prices, the recent unemployed, etc. Please please please do something.

Arthur was quite puzzled by what the letter meant? The prices? Unemployment? Was it tied in some way to the CLA? Arthur calmed himself down. Maybe he was overreacting. He read the letter again, the words were the same. Seamus piped in, "These other pieces of paper are filled with strings of random letters and numbers, the only thing in common is that they all end in .onion"

"Wait, .onion? I know that domain! That's a domain for an onion site!", Arthur exclaimed.

"Perfect, just what's going to get us to solve this mystery, a website on onions." Seamus remarked with a sarcastic tone, "What next, carrots? Pickles?"

"That's not what an onion site is.", Arthur replied.

"What is it then?", Seamus asked

"A .onion website is a special type of website that isn't available on most browsers. Onion websites are meant to be private and secure. In order to access theses websites, you need a special type of browser, the best option would be the Tor Browser. Onion websites make a huge part of the dark web", Arthur explained, "The library has computers and we can use them"

"Why would a library computer have stuff that can access the black market online?", Seamus replied.

"They wont, but there are ways.", Arthur replied with a smirk, pulling out a green USB drive.

They walked over to the computers where many people were using the available computers. They picked a computer in the back corner. Arthur reached for his lime green USB, and plugged it in. Then he checked the OS of the computer, which was windows. He went to settings and clicked on a section named "Updates and Security". Arthur then proceeded to the Recovery subsection, and clicked on a button named, "Restart Now" which was under a section called "Advanced Startup"

The computer screen turned blue with different buttons and options, Arthur chose, "Use a Device". The screen went dark, then turned on again. Instead of the classic windows start up screen, there was a white logo of USB stick smiling in the background. With 2 options "Tails", and "Tails(Troubleshooting Mode)." Arthur picked the first option, sighed and said, "The beauty of Tails OS is how good it is. Now, Seamus, let's see the hyperlinks to those onion sites."

"Alright Arthur, the first one says, xA9L3n5rP2oUmFT.onion"

Arthur meanwhile had clicked on the tor browser, scanned the QR code, and tor was available. He then inputted it into the search bar and waited for it to load. The page loaded in vertically, bar by bar, till the page fully was loaded.

In the page it said "Join Us To Ensure Your Liberty" and below it reads "The Conservative Libertarian Association"

Arthur froze, just absolutely shocked, here it is the trove of secrets. Practically handed to them on a silver platter. Arthur noticed that he needed an account on this website to access the other content.

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