The shocking stakes of looking too deep.

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Arthur POV

Arthur woke up, he was in the taxi. The taxi driver was tapping his knee.

Taxi Driver: Sir, we are here.

Arthur wasn't fully awake, so he haphazardly shuffled out of the taxi, struggling to move his limbs. After his terrible exit from the taxi, Arthur looked around, realizing he didn't know where Seamus was. Arthur decided to ask the taxi driver, "Pardon me sir, but do you know where my friend is?". The driver shifted and turned to look at Arthur, he then said, "I already dropped off your friend. He already paid for your ride home"

Relieved that Seamus made it safe, Arthur stepped out. He entered the lobby, thankfully to his relief the elevator is operational. He stumbles to the elevator and hits the button.

He waits for a couple minutes as the elevator descends. Once it opens he enters into the elevator.

He wasn't alone, there was also a woman in this elevator with him. The woman simply didn't mind him, so he didn't pay much attention to her. She was dressed in business type attire, however the whole thing was a red color, rather than the usual brown or black. Her hair was black, and put up in a ponytail. She had eyebags, indicating perhaps a hint of tiredness or stress. Though she was smiling.

Arthur didn't mind her, she seemed to be a regular person. Though he did find it odd, that in his entire time living in this building. He had never seen this woman before, perhaps she was new and just moved in. Arthur didn't ask, she looked tired.

The elevator slowly ascends upwards, making a bell sound upon every floor it passed. Soon it reached the 5th floor. He stepped out, onto the dust coated carpet of the 5th floor. Arthur slowly trudged towards his apartment. He was quite tired himself, therefore he wished to eat a quick dinner and perhaps sleep.

Upon reaching his apartment, he noticed something very out of place. The door, it was gaping open. Open for the world to see, into his humble little home.

This realization sent shocks of fear down his very spine, and goosebumps ran up his skin. As his fear made him wonder, what horrid things might have happened.

So Arthur desperately holding on, pulled out his phone, and called his landlord. The phone rang several times before someone picked up.

Caller Transcript:

Landlord: Hey Arthur, how are you feeling?

Arthur: Uhm, Hi Mr. Lobanto-

Landlord: Heck man, it's alright, you can call me James. I'm cool like that, what's your issue-

Arthur interrupted James on the phone, due to the rising amount of fear in him

Arthur: James did you  send someone to my apartment today?

James: Not that I am aware of. Is there an issue?

Arthur: Yes! The Apartment door is open! I think someone might be in there-

James, sensing Arthurs distress, tries to calm him down.

James: Calm down Arthur, maybe your roommate David forgot to close the door. Don't panic, just go in there and check. I'll even stay on the line.


Taking deep breaths, Arthur attempted to calm himself. After he felt calmer, he stepped into the Apartment.

The whole place was mess, drawers were open, and paper was scattered. Some doors on the kitchen cabinet we just left open, someone had been in here, it seemed they were looking for something.  Arthur slowly moved through the living room, David was nowhere in sight, so Arthur went to David's room.

Arthur grabbed the door handle to David's room, and slowly opened it. The inside of the room didn't look too good either. David's bed had its sheets ripped off, and a pillow was on the floor near the door. There was a dark red stain on the wall that appeared to be blood. David's Weezer poster was torn. Feeling nauseous, Arthur turned his gaze towards the other side of the room. The window in his room was open, and the desk that held David's computer was empty. The only reminder of the computer ever being there, was the power cable still hooked to the wall, but it looked to have been violently torn out.

Call Transcript (continued):

James was a bit unsettled by the long silence on Arthur's end and decided to ask a question.

James: Arthur? Everything okay?

Arthur shakily picks up the phone, and speaks...

Arthur: David, isn't here... The living room and his room are a mess, I haven't looked at the other rooms yet.

James: What do you mean, mess?

Arthur: The whole place has been turned upside down... there's blood on David's wall... my head is spinning...

James: I'm calling the police, you need to get out of there. Go down to the main lobby, alright?
Stay in the lobby, I'll be there.

[Call Ended]

With a a new dose of adrenaline running through his veins, Arthur no longer felt tired, and ran as fast as he could to the elevator. He wanted to get to the lobby as fast as he could. He hit the down button on the elevator, and impatiently waited, tapping his foot in a very quick manner.

The elevator eventually reached the 5th floor, and as the doors opened, Arthur rushed inside. Once inside Arthur swiftly pressed the ground floor button, and repeatedly pressed the close door button.

As the elevator doors closed, Arthur felt his surge of adrenaline fade away...

Authors Note:
Its been like, 2 months? Sorry I haven't been around, stuff has been busy. However I am bringing out new content on this original story. So stay tuned :)

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