Arthur's Aftermath

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Seamus POV:

Seamus was at his home, blissfully unaware of the current events happening. He had some ramen noodles, and was curled up in front of his Television. He was watching an old movie called, "Casablanca", he looked over to his clock and saw it was already 2 AM.

"Jesus, I should probably get some sleep", Seamus muttered, "Perhaps I can watch the rest tomorrow"

So Seamus started getting ready to go to bed, however before he can hit the sack, his phone started ringing.

Out of curiosity, he picked up his cell phone, and looked at the screen to see who was calling. He recognized it was Arthurs number, due to Arthur being a contact on his phone. Seamus nonchalantly picked up the phone.

Call Transcript 

Seamus: Hey there Arthur, how are you? Did you make it home safe?

Seamus didn't get a immediate response, he heard Arthur taking deep breaths in a quick fashion.

Seamus: Arthur, are you okay?

Arthur didn't  respond immediately to this either, but when he did his tone was panicked and shaky. 

Arthur: Seamus, can you come to my residence?

Seamus was chewing down some caramel coated popcorn, when he paused is chewing at Arthur's question. 

Seamus: Pardon? Arthur is there something wrong?

Arthur: T-There's bl-bl-bl-blood on the-
Arthur begins to have a mental break, sobbing into tears

Seamus: I'm on my way.


Upon hearing Arthur break down, Seamus immediately got up, grabbed his coat and left his home. He flagged down a taxi and asked for the driver to take him towards Arthurs apartment. It was a long drive, and the it was raining. With the rain drizzling, the window wasn't clear, so passing through town looked like a bunch of blurry lights.

After close to 40 minutes worth of time, Seamus arrived at apartment building Arthur lived in. Seamus walked up the door, automatically recognizing 2 police cruisers outside of the building, due to their flashing red and blue lights. Approaching the door, and opening it, he saw the inside of the lobby had a couple police officers surrounding Arthur. The police seemed to be questioning him on what happened, Arthur himself was holding some coffee and was covered by a red blanket. Arthur's eyes seemed to give off a stare that watched for a thousand miles. His responses seemed to be general, nod or shake of his head, and saying yes or no.

There were a couple other people in the lobby, a woman with a black hair and a ponytail wearing a blood red business suit, an old man with greying hair and golf clothes, and an emo teenager with jeans, black hair, 2 gold earrings, with a soda.

Seamus decided to go to Arthur, however the police wouldn't let him talk to him, they said they were still questioning him. So Seamus sat on a chair, while the police asked Arthur questions. Seamus was seriously worried, what had happened to cause Arthur to go into a stage of shock?

After hours of the police presence, most people started leaving, except for the woman in the red suit. Seamus had a gut feeling that this woman had some involvement in what had happened. In his peripheral vision, he saw it, a small smirk that was only there for a millisecond.

The woman walked out the door, leaving the building. Seamus was curious about the woman, so he pulled out a half full pack of cigarettes he had. These cigarettes would give him an excuse for being outside the building.

Seamus waited 5 seconds, just so he wouldn't look suspicious. Then he stepped out the building. He watched the woman go down to the parking lot, Seamus followed through, staying at least a row away to ensure he didn't arouse suspicion.

The woman moved at a brisk pace, faster than walking, but not too fast as if not to draw attention to herself. After passing through what seemed to be endless amount of cars, the woman stopped at a white Honda Civic. The Civic itself wasn't anything noteworthy, it seemed to be in good condition, no scratches or any other damage. Seamus leaned against a black Ford truck that was in the row across that of the Honda Civic.

Seamus quickly pulled out a cigarette and lit it, while he smoked it, he looked at the license plate to see if it was holding any useful information. Looking at the license plate revealed it was from the state of New Mexico, the registration read, "R3D-AG3NT". The car pulled out of the parking lot, and drove off, leaving behind a very confused Seamus. Seamus bit the cigarette in his mouth, pondering what exactly the registration meant.

Eventually Seamus, just went back to the Apartment. He'll pick up Arthur, and they can stay at his house perhaps, while the police investigate Arthur's home.

Authors notes:
How's it going people? This will be the end of daily updates as I do have stuff to do. I will update the story, just not daily.

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