Characters and Prologue

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Yoon Jeonghan - A model, The heir to the YH fashion brand

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Yoon Jeonghan - A model, The heir to the YH fashion brand

Choi Seungcheol - CEO of the Idol agency Hybe Entertainment

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Choi Seungcheol - CEO of the Idol agency Hybe Entertainment

Joshua Hong - An idol in Hybe Entertainment, Jeonghan's Bestie

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Joshua Hong - An idol in Hybe Entertainment, Jeonghan's Bestie

Lee Deokyeom - Vice CEO of Hybe Entertainment, Choi Seungcheol's Cousin, Joshua's Boyfriend

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Lee Deokyeom - Vice CEO of Hybe Entertainment, Choi Seungcheol's Cousin, Joshua's Boyfriend


Choi Mansion:

"I told you.. I'm not gay. I'm straight" Seungcheol said.

"But son, it's for our own good. Once our companies get merged, you'll be able to be the strongest businessman in the entire country. It would be a big benefit for our investments too.. trust me son" Seungcheol's father kept begging him to agree to the marriage.

"Besides, he's such a good boy too. He's beautiful, polite, caring and he has good fame too.." his mother too continued persuading him.

Seungcheol goarned. "Okay, FINE! If he's okay with it, I'm fine too"

Yoon Mansion :

"what do you mean you need time? I have given you the whole day to think about it!!" Mr. Yoon's face turned red in anger. 

"Please, Dad.. this is about my marriage. Besides I have to ask my agency too." Jeonghan spoke up.

"This is not about your marriage.. this is about our fame, our wealth, our power, and our future. Don't you dare risk everything because of Love" Mr. Yoon snapped. His wife stood in the doorway, flinching at every word said by his husband.

"ok, father. we can go ahead with whatever you like. I don't have a problem with it" Jeonghan said, with tears in his eyes.

Time Skip to One Month Later

The Church:

"Are you willing to accept Yoon Jeonghan as your husband?" 

"Yes," Seungcheol replied.

"Are you willing to accept Choi Seungcheol as your husband?"

"Yes," Jeonghan replied.

"you two may kiss each other now" The priest concluded the wedding ceremony. Seungcheol and Jeonghan kissed.

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