Chapter 3

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Days turned to months. They both were still grieving, but moving with the flow of their lives. 

Seungcheol was busy with his work as a CEO. He was still grieving over his mistakes in guilt and pain. He broke up with the other girl. He was still seeing Jeonghan's photoshoots and public appearances on Social Media. He was seeing something that he hadn't seen in him before: a mesmerizing beauty, and a mysterious elegance. He was adoring him, and regretting all his mistakes.

Jeonghan on the other hand, was living in hell, being tortured by both his mother and father. He went back to his old self before his marriage. Eating at the dining table and puking his guts out in the bathroom, smiling in front of the camera and slicing his wrists with a blade in the bathroom. He was drowning in an ocean of depression, all by himself. He always has been insecure about his appearance, and his body. The pressure that his parents put on him, especially after the divorce was also taking a toll on him drastically.

 One day, Seungcheol was driving his car, on his way to buy a new suit, for an event that he would have to attend that night. He saw a photoshoot of Jeonghan on a giant billboard. He couldn't help but dress his face with a bittersweet smile. 

Yoon Mansion:

Jeonghan was asleep in his bed, whimpering in pain and sweaty. He felt as if he was hit by a truck, and he didn't even have the strength to lift his limbs. Then he heard the door open followed by a loud thud. Then the bedsheet that was on him disappeared. 

"Get up! We're going to get late" His father snapped rudely. 

"Dad, I don't think I can go.. I can't even get up.." He said barely audible.

"I don't care! Get up right now!" Mr. Yoon didn't mind his discomfort. The gathering was more important for him.

Then his father pulled Jeonghan out of the bed by his hair. He immediately collapsed onto the floor. 

His father scoffed. "Drop the act! If you aren't ready within 5 minutes.....Don't let me remind you who I am" He left the room.

Jeonghan crawled to the bathroom and slowly started getting ready. He dressed all white and put on some makeup to hide the bags under his eyes and the paleness in his face.

 He dressed all white and put on some makeup to hide the bags under his eyes and the paleness in his face

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Jeonghan then got inside the car with Mr. Yoon. The ride was silent, and tension was hanging in the air. The driver parked the car and got out. 

"Smile, don't even think about embarrassing me... You know what happens if you do right?"

Jeonghan nodded and took a deep breath before following his dad to the entrance of the huge venue. 

It was a gathering between all the leading businessmen in Korea, which means Seungcheol was also there

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It was a gathering between all the leading businessmen in Korea, which means Seungcheol was also there.

It was a gathering between all the leading businessmen in Korea, which means Seungcheol was also there

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Seungcheol was mesmerized by Jeonghan's beauty when he saw him across the hall. But he didn't have the strength or guts to approach him and talk. As he continued to observe Jeonghan's behaviours while sipping his drink, he couldn't help but notice the painful expression and paleness on his face, and the way he was swaying back and forth. Concern took control of his facial expressions, and he continued to keep his eye on Jeonghan.

 Many old people were talking in the hall. Mr. Yoon approached some people. 

"Hello! After a long time.." Mr. Yoon spoke up. "Let me introduce my son.." He introduced Jeonghan. 

"Hello. I'm Jeonghan" Jeonghan introduced himself, while bowing.

"Oh! Aren't you the one who got divorced a few months ago?" An old woman, who appeared to be in her 70s asked Jeonghan. Her husband widened his eyes. "Oh, you're that model?"

Jeonghan forced a smile, feeling uncomfortable. Mr Yoon's face became red in anger.

"Please excuse us" Mr Yoon took Jeonghan's hand and moved to the exit. Jeonghan knew that he was done for. They went out, from the emergency exit.

Seungcheol watched the whole scene from afar, with confusion and concern. He saw Jeonghan's uncomfortable smile, the way Mr Yoon's face turned red, and the way it wrinkled in anger.  Then his eyes followed them towards the emergency exit. 

That was long. Please vote and comment. It means a lot.. Thank you for reading..<3333

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