Chapter 5

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Seungcheol was frozen in confusion and surprise. "W-... what did you just say?"

Jeonghan swallowed the lump that was in his throat. "Yeah... I didn't sign the divorce papers. We're not divorced"

Seungcheol wanted nothing more. He felt as if the weight he had been carrying all these months had been lifted from his shoulders. "Are you serious? Then... Why didn't you??"

Jeonghan looked down. "I didn't want to let you go. I didn't have the strength to sign the papers."

Seungcheol looked at him with tenderness and guilt. Jeonghan had suffered so much because of his reckless, irresponsible actions. He never expected Jeonghan to forgive him. And he wanted to help him, more than anything. Not to leave him like this in his mental state. He just realized it late. And he thought that it was too late.

"I don't deserve this forgiveness. I know you have always suffered. I didn't want to fall into that package. But I did nothing but bring pain to your life. I beg you on my knees." He kneeled beside Jeonghan's bed. Jeonghan's eyes widened. 

"Seungcheol... Cheol! Please! Don't do this... Don't kneel like this!" He was in full-on panic. 

"Please hear me out" Seungcheol pleaded. "If I can have one more chance to be that significant partner in your life, I'm more than pleased and dedicated to fulfilling my role and loving you wholeheartedly. I know I don't deserve your second chance, but, I would like to prove myself to you again."

Jeonghan teared up at his words. Finally, someone has come to give hope to his hopeless, lifeless life, as rain fell on the desert after many years. Seungcheol stood up after noticing his tears. Jeonghan hugged him. He wrapped his arms around Seungcheol's torso and started crying.

After a few hours, Jeonghan was discharged from the hospital. He was given with appointments to meet Dr. Chwe Hansol and some prescriptions. Seungcheol took him to the apartment where they used to live together.

 Seungcheol took him to the apartment where they used to live together

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"Go and wash up. You don't have to go home again if you don't feel like going there. I'll give you some of my clothes. We'll go and buy some for you tomorrow." Seungcheol said. Jeonghan nodded, feeling a little shy. 

As Jeonghan freshened up, Seungcheol made a vegetable salad, some stir-fried pork, and some rice, knowing that Jeonghan needed some nutritious food for his weak, exhausted body.

 Seungcheol plated the food and arranged the dining table. He waited till Jeonghan came out from his shower. He was mesmerized, seeing Jeonghan in his clothes, with damp hair, and looking fresh. He wondered how he never realized that the person who was living right under his nose, was such a beautiful, elegant, and mesmerizing angel.

They started eating. Seungcheol made sure that Jeonghan ate a lot while reassuring him. He knew how tough the modelling industry was. And he also knew that Jeonghan was dangerously thin. He didn't want Jeonghan to fall sick, so he vowed to take better care of his love and not to repeat the same mistake again.

He arranged the guest room for Jeonghan to sleep. He knew that things were still awkward between them. And he knew better than to rush things because of his own desires. And he also knew that they both wouldn't be able to get any sleep, because of the things that happened within the past few hours.

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