River: My lighthouse

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"Mon, let's head home first. This place is not safe anymore. Stay at mine tonight.", Mon didn't want but she reluctantly agreed, not because she wanted but because she needed to get to the bottom of this. On the other hand, Sam disappears from the world's map. The phone is switched off, the empty room Sam, an overview of her huge mansion, and torn pictures on her table, explain a lot. Is Sam, ok? This doesn't look OK.

Back at present, The night was a canvas of stars, each one a silent observer of the unfolding drama below. Mon and Ivy walked side by side, their shadows merging and parting with the rhythm of the streetlights.

"The closer I get to the truth, the more elusive it becomes. But Ivy's presence is like a lighthouse in the fog of my uncertainty."

They found themselves at the edge of town, where the old lighthouse stood like a sentinel. Its beam cut through the darkness, a cyclical reminder that even the lost can be found. Being with Ivy stirred mixed feelings in Mon's heart. Despite everything, she felt a strange sense of safety. Ivy had left her for someone else, just as Sam had. Or had she? Sam wasn't that kind of person. She might seem cold-hearted, but her warmth could bring life to a dying garden. Sam, are you okay? Oh god, how desperately I need to understand why Sam did that to me. Mon's thoughts were interrupted by Ivy's quiet, almost tender voice. This was a different version of Ivy.

"Mon, this place always makes me think about direction, about choices. We all have our lighthouses, don't we?"

 "Yes, and sometimes, we become one for someone else.", Mon gazed around the ancient lighthouse, a steadfast sentinel despite the river's relentless embrace. Rust had claimed much of its surface, yet it stood tall, a testament to its enduring strength. It was as if the river longed to breach its walls, yearning to uncover the secrets within. Perhaps, this was their fate—to exist beneath the same sky, ever close yet forever apart, bound by a destiny that kept them yearning but never meeting.

Ivy smiled, squeezing Mon's hand gently. "I want to be that for you, Mon. I want to be the one who helps guide you back when you feel lost."

Mon's heart felt full, the pain of the past ebbing away with Ivy's words. Adrenaline rushed through her veins. She wasn't ready for another heartbreak. At least not now. 

As they sat at the base of the lighthouse, the light washed over them, casting their faces in a warm glow. Ivy leaned in, her breath a whisper against Mon's ear.

"Mon, there's something beautiful about starting over. With you, I feel like anything is possible."

Mon turned to face her, their eyes locking in a silent conversation. The world around them faded, leaving only the sound of the waves and the beating of their hearts.

"Ivy, please. Not Now. I've gone through enough. I can't risk the same flame to burn me for the third time. and-"

Before Mon could react, she felt Ivy's lips pressing against hers. She wasn't ready to give in and resisted, her eyes wide open in shock. It was a strange, disorienting sensation. In the distance, a bell tolled from the town, a reminder that time waits for no one. As Ivy pulled away, a shadowy figure watched them from the darkness, their intentions unreadable. Mon felt a jolt of shock and weakness from the kiss as the figure melted back into the shadows, the faint moonlight highlighting the fury in their eyes before they vanished. Desperate to erase the memory, Mon quickly wiped her lips.

"Mon, I hope you can forgive me. I truly loved you," Ivy said softly.

"KANG IVY!" Mon's voice trembled with anger. 

"Just because you supported me doesn't mean I'm willing to give myself to you! Don't forget the nights when you were fucking your girlfriend while I was begging myself to sleep. The past will never change."

Before Ivy could respond, Mon stormed off, her silhouette swallowed by the darkness. Ivy stood there, unmoved, her wicked smile revealing she had no regrets. It was clear she knew exactly what she was doing.

"You will regret this, sweetheart!"

Stay tuned for the next chapter, where secrets will unravel, and hearts will tangle even further. The story continues. 🌸❤️

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